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Breathe Like A Winner!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

This is a simple exercise but a great state builder you can use at any time.

Sit back.
If you want to, you can close your eyes in a minute.

For just 60 seconds, sit back and breathe like a really, REALLY wealthy and powerful person would, someone who is DELIGHTED with their accomplishments and completely ready for ACTION!



Anonymous said...

It's amazing how hard it is for me to focus for 60 seconds! My mind wandered from how it felt to be there to what I need to do to get there, which is beside the point. Then I realized that I breath the same as someone who is wealthy and accomplished. We all breath the and out. It's just the feeling of gratitude and accomlishment that I was trying to hold onto.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I too had trouble with the 60 second focus...

For me, the breathing as a "rich" person had a half smile that came with it, a feeling of expandedness, and a sort of an "ah" of relaxation and peace.

It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:

All shall be well... and all shall be well... and all manner of things shall be well.

I like this one alot. I think I might add it to my morning and evening "routine".

the gay bookworm said...

I really have no problem with the breathing and focusing, feeling wealthy because I visualize it so often that it has becmone part of me. In fact I am simply awaiting its arrival in my life.

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