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Call Inspiring People Into Your Life!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Who are YOUR heroes? Your role models?
Who do you want to “grow up to be like”?

Think of one particular person who you are really inspired by at this time.
Someone who has overcome your starting difficulties and has really made it work. Someone you sincerely admire and wish to emulate.

Say their name out aloud, right now.

Imagine they are here with you in this space and take 60 seconds to tell them why you admire them, why you want to be like them, and THANK THEM for their gift of inspiration, wisdom, energy, encouragement they have given you just by virtue of being who they are.

Say, “Thank you, ________________”, and let it go.

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Anonymous said...

That was fun!

Anonymous said...

I did this twice because the message to choose "Someone who has overcome your starting difficulties and has really made it work" really narrowed things down and caused me to think! I was surprised at the first person who came, but went with it anyway. I repeated it again later in the day after thinking of someone else.

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