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Wishing Well

Thursday, May 15, 2008

In a moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Imagine you are walking towards a magical wishing well, and in your hand, you hold a special coin that you will throw to make a wish.

This *is* a special POWER COIN so as you walk towards the radiant, sparkling well just the right kind of wish for you to make will come to you.

Make your wish, kiss the coin, throw into the well.

Turn around, open and your eyes and continue with your day.

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the gay bookworm said...

Okay it took me a few hours to come up with what felt like the right wish. Now I am not sure if I should share it. Hummm? Some things came right to mind but did not feel right. How about the rest of you did you know right off or did it take you awhile?

Shirley Twofeathers said...

My wish surprised me quite a lot. I was thinking I would wish for money, or success, or a Vardo Van, or a laptop, or other stuff like that...

And the word that popped into my head was: JOY!!

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