Happy Thanksgiving!

This beautiful painting is by Armand Cabrera.
He has some beautiful landscapes at his website.
If you like landscape art, go check it out.
Here is some interesting "gypsy" type information about turkeys, I found it in Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
The turkey is sometimes called the Earth Eagle. It has a long history of association with spirituality and the honoring of the Earth Mother. It is a symbol of all the blessings that the Earth contains, along with the ability to use those blessings to their greatest advantage.... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website, shirleytwofeathers.com, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Making Miracles Happen
Melissa: I am 100% positive that the way you feel about the coin is way more important than the coin itself.
I too am feeling so positive about this! No doubts at all. And I can see it working already. For the last 2 months I have run a zero balance in my checking account. And both times it was right before my 2nd paycheck of the month. This time around, I not only do NOT have a zero balance, I have enough to pay the upcoming bills with money to spare!!! How's that for a miracle !!!
A miracle will happen today. I can feel it coming on!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all have a great day.
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