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Saturday, January 26, 2008

"Ultimately, we must learn to trust ourselves. When we do this intimately and intelligently, the world opens full of meaning before us. We find that we ourselves are the doorway to a fathomless understanding of the source of life itself. We need only to learn to walk through it."

~James Thornton


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Ahh... trust ourselves.... we ourselves are the doorway... yes... it sounds so easy....

Cindy H said...

Yeah, I'm pretty trusting of others, but myself???? Hard to do!

Anonymous said...

you know, for a couple of days things have been really intense in the form of things seemingly spiritual in nature. i want to say i did an experiment with suscribing to this blog and it is really easy to subscribe, read the email, go about other things and forget to come back. you've attained the knowledge, etc. i think i am cancelling my subscription. not because i don't want to participate, but because i think it is the easy way out for me. i really appreciate all the work that goes into this blog, and it humbles me to know that Two Feathers does this with no direction other than her own, god's, and her distinct and profound way of saying just the right thing at just the right time. or picking the right picture, and the just right compelling tidbit of wisdom.

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