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Blue Solar Water!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I read that Dr. Ihaleakala suggests drinking solarized water from a blue bottle. This seems to be beneficial for helping the body clear and release negative memories and associations. I thought it was interesting... and hey, how could it hurt? So here's the technique for how to make Blue Solar Water:

  1. Get a blue bottle. Any color blue, from light blue to dark blue will work.
  2. It should be glass - not plastic.
  3. Fill with tap water (or the water of your choice) and cover with a non-metallic lid ~ cork, plastic, even cloth wrapped with a rubber band will work because the purpose of the lid is just to keep the dirt and bugs (that Love Blue Solar Water) out.
  4. Place in the Sun for an hour or more. When left longer, it is sweeter.
  5. When done, your Blue Solar Water can be stored in the refrigerator in any container, glass, plastic, etc.
  6. ENJOY

How Much Blue Solar Water to drink? Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len recently shared that, for the sole purpose of CLEANING memories, he drinks a gallon and a half of Blue Solar Water a day!

If you get really excited about the solar water, here are some other uses:

  • Add some to your coffee, tea, cocoa, juice, etc
  • Add Blue Solar Water to everything you cook, pasta, soup, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, etc.
  • Add some Blue Solar Water to your washing machine when washing clothes
  • Spray some in your dryer
  • Add it to your radiator to make your car hummmm
  • Add it to your bath water
  • Spray yourself with Blue Solar water after showering
  • Spray rooms with Blue Solar Water
  • Gargle with it.
  • Wash floors with it
  • Wash your car with Blue Solar Water


the gay bookworm said...

Okay I love this blue water idea and will defintely be doing it. I have wanted to share the phrasing I use instead of just I'm sorry but for some reason when it comes time to write it, I cann't think of it. Today it is sticking with me. I say Two Feathers please forgive me for anything I may have said or done in my life that may have inhibited or prevented you from expressing the fullness of your potential, I am sorry and I love you. This, though wordy, feels the most comfortable for me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the gay bookworm. I say DEAR SO and SO, I am sorry for any erroneous thoughts or actions I did to make you have any pain or sorrow. I love you, please forgive me. I think by saying sorry, you are taking responsibility for the thought or action and by taking the responsibility you are able to heal and release it.
- However it is done, when you have more people thinking love, you can't go wrong!

dawnofarabia said...

Okay. I love this idea about the solarized water. I just took a Reiki course and our Reiki Master talked about doing Reiki over your food and water before consuming it. We also know from different scientific studies that blessed water changes it's molecular structure. I am going to be trying this as soon as I can find a blue glass bottle. Just for added benifit why not try pasting a label with beautiful words (i.e. love, peace, kindness, forgiveness)onto the bottle.

kayden said...

I love this idea SO much that I made a line of beautiful sandblasted cobalt blue glass water bottles for everyone to have them. check them out at

Fred said...

After reading Zero Limits a few years ago I wanted to find some blue bottles but could not. I ended up starting to sell them myself. If you can't find the locally you can order them from my site here: Blue Solar Water Bottles.

Matteo said...

It works! in Italy too.

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