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These Wealthy Hands

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This is fun, kinaesthetic and brings our whole body to this wealth and happiness party. Even if you’re not feeling on top of the world today, have a go – I promise it will cheer you up.

Touch your head with your hands and think or say:

This is my clever, wealthy head. This is the head of a very rich man!

Continue on and make it up as you touch your self:

Acute ears, listening out for opportunity and success!
Brilliant eyes that see abundance in all things!
A wealthy nose for success!
My rich mouth, tasting the very best the world has to offer!
My strong shoulders and my powerful arms, ready to embrace my riches!
Productive, industrious wealthy hands and fingers!
A stomach for ingesting and digesting wealth and prosperity!
A rich man’s bottom!
Rich, rich legs, walking me towards a fantastic future on abundant feet!

How’s that?
You can play this under the shower too and add as many body parts as you desire ☺

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Anonymous said...

Oh I'm laughing so hard! This one is so much fun..either that or I'm just tired and silly. I was making bug-eyes and pig noses and fish lips. THEN I got to this part:
"A rich man's bottom!"
And I decided I would REALLT like one of those, but I just got married and Chris isn't that open minded! Ha ha ha ha! Oh my goodness! What a great way to start the day. Did you say these exercises are from a book? I need to find this and read some of these when I'm taking myself too really raises the vibration! Bless you for bringing this to us!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

It's a fun one, isn't it?

These exercises are from an eBook which can be purchased through Dragon Rising. At the close of the project, I'll put up the link and all the pertinent information. There are 365 of them... I'm thinking it might be worth getting! I am so loving this project!

Al Diaz said...


What a great post!

Ilumine Ao,
Al Diaz

Anonymous said...

This was fun! I should do this one every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa... I agree. I'm thinking of making it my new ritual in the shower...

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