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You’re Great!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Complete the following sentences:

(This is MUCH better if you speak your answers out aloud!!)

“I am really good at ….”
“I am also really good at …”
“My friends appreciate me because I am ….”
“What I like best about me is ….”
“I am proud of me because ….”
“I KNOW I’m going to make it because …”

All this is true. Allow yourself a moment to be glad who you are before we get to work.

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the gay bookworm said...

I am really good at giving love.

I am also really good at manifesting my reality.

My friends appreciate me because I am genuine.

What I like best about me is my ability to give.

I am proud of me because I have created for myself the life I want to live.

I KNOW I am going to make it because I CAN NOT FAIL.

Anonymous said...

I'm really good at reading palms. I love it. (Today starts the Psychic Fair so I need to reinforce that for myself. Sometimes there are such amazing readers and healers there, I feel humbled)

I'm also really good at laundry ( ha ha ha). Hmm. I'm also really good at staying optimistic.

My friends appeciate me because I keep in touch. Sounds simple but we are all so busy, it's a challenge! Bless e-mail and cell phones.

What I like best about me is the ability to love the good in people and to be interested in each person for who they are. I looked around at the wedding and saw us surrounded by such a variety of friends..all so unique and beautiful.

I am proud of myself for moving forward and learning. Boy, sometimes it's tempting to sit and wallow..I'm shifting away from that pattern and it's good.

I know I'm going to make it because that is what is destined for all of be productive, happy, abundant and loved.

Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome! Here's the scoop on me:

I am really good at coming up with ideas.

I'm also really good at getting straight to work on those ideas.

My friends appreciate me because I am interesting and full of ideas...

What I like best about me is my intelligence and stick-to-itiveness. I also like my sense of humor and my ability to explore difficult concepts.

I am proud of me because I am actually making this internet thing into something that just might support me financially.

I KNOW I'm going to make it because... well... how could I not? I have good friends, a great mind that's full of ideas, and have a willingness to move through difficulty.

Not only that... I'm cool, I'm smart, and I deserve it.

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