From Beliefnet, here are three quick meditations to help you through difficult moments There are days when either job, family, or surrounding environment is causing stress. Even if you can't get away by taking a vacation, you can still relax and re-center yourself with these short, soothing meditations by author and angel expert Doreen Virtue. ![]() Guardian angels live to comfort, direct, and carry you through the day. You can always contact them. ![]() ![]() ![]() Call on archangel Michael when you need courage. He will protect you and soothe your fearful mind. ![]() ![]() ![]() The archangel Raphael is always available to help renew your physical, mental, and emotional health. ![]() |
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Finding Your Angels
Tuesday, September 30, 2008Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, meditation
Listening to Spirit
Monday, September 29, 2008Here is a little bit of a different view of the subject of communication with your guardian spirits. It's from A Voice From The Earth by Judith Pintar.
Listening to Spirit
Learning to listen means distinguishing real Vision from your own dream voices of fear and memory and desire. Even when you get beyond your fears, sometimes your expectations will get in the way. Somehow you expect your Vision to be spelled in lightning across the sky. But while you watch the sky, you may miss the tiny drama of butterfly upon leaf happening at your feet
The Vision itself can come in many forms, through a clear visual impression or visitation of spirit, physical contact and communication from an animal, a song or a dream.
Very often in completely unexpected fashion, out of the darkness will come an awareness of a Guardian Spirit, a force or energy that provides a clear channel for greater wisdom. Many cultures have believed that such guardians, like saints or angels, protect and guide us even when we are unaware of them. Conscious acknowledgement of a Guardian Spirit offers the possibility of communication and a ready source of strength and counsel.
Awareness of the guardian could come when you see a hawk fly and are uplifted by a sense of strength and freedom, when an oak tree drops its leaves at your feet, when the Northern lights dance overhead, when you hear words whispered by the wind. Or a guardian might communicate itself as an intellectual concept, a particular energy that is understood to be a source of strength and direction, such as innocence or bravery, or love.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, guidance
Your Guardian Angel's Name
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A simple, but effective way to ask for your Guardian Angel's name.
- Sit in a relaxed, quiet, peaceful environment. You can by all means include in your space items that you either have on your angelic altar or special items that have great meaning to you (candles, incense, totems, etc.).
- Clear your mind, open and be receptive to subtle messages. Become approachable. This means to disregard any negative or dross energies that you may be "holding" onto.
- Create a white light surrounding you. This white light is of a loving energy - the aura surrounding you should be of the utmost golden respectful light.
- Ask your Guardian Angel what their name is. Listen carefully - record the first name that comes into your mind. Ask respectfully for any help that you may need.
- Always give gratitude. This can be in the form of "Thank you," Amen," or "Brightest Blessing."
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Invitation To Your Guardian Angel
Saturday, September 27, 2008- Find a quiet spot to sit for a moment.
- Close your eyes and imagine you can feel the presence of your Guardian Angel. If you could see this Angel, what would it look like to you? Any shape or form is fine, for your angel will take on the shape you need the most, the form you want to see. Your Angel encourages contact from you and is quite willing to mold its form into a shape that you find comfortable with. Imagine this as clearly as you can.
- Imagine that this Angel is smiling, that this Angel is radiating a love that surrounds you with comfort, safety, and security. Really feel this feeling in your body if you can. Feel it in your emotions.
- Imagine that your Angel is saying to you these words "It's all right. It's all right, It's all right." Allow your body to feel the relief that accompanies these words. Allow your body to feel relief in the knowledge that it *is* all right. For it is all right for you to be who you are, to think what you think and to feel what you feel.
- If there is something else that you would like your Guardian Angel to say to you - something that is loving, that holds no judgement, only love - a greater love than you have ever experienced in this lifetime - then imagine your Angel saying this to you. Feel the words of your Angel moving through your body, settling your unsettled emotions, calming your confusion.
- Thank your angel for this gift. And know that the words your Angel has said and the feeling of comfort your angel has brought you, the feeling of safety, is yours.
You can tap into this at any time, in any place. It is your birthright. Through the use of imagination, to imagine that your Angel is there, you tap into the reality that your Angel *is* there. Through the use of your imagination, you begin to develop a relationship with your Guardian Angels or with the other High Beings and Angels around you.
These exercises in imagination are the beginnings of a wonderful reality in which you begin to understand the essence of who you are. Invite your Angel to be with you at other times. Acknowledge your Angel's presence when you are sitting in the theatre watching a movie, enjoying a beautiful song, or during a time of discomfort or stress. Know that your Angel is with you at all times, in good and in bad, and you give yourself the gift of safety, of security, of knowing that you are not alone. You do not have to face your world alone. You have help.
-copyright 1996, 1997 Janet Dane-Used With Permission
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Summoning The Angels
Friday, September 26, 2008- Acknowledge that there is a power within you that is greater than yourself.
- Meditate as an active listener, not just always the asker.
- Now summon the angels. (They usually speak in your own thought voice.)
- Experience the outpouring of creative energy releasing within you like a warm incubator light.
- Sigh in thanksgiving as you empty your crystal chalice temple of stale thoughts and negative patterns.
- Be receptive to listening. Let go of those blocks like notions, assumptions, myths and criticism that drown out creativity, risks and unscientific notions.
- Bless this declaration and instill positive affirmation rather than those usual notes of self-criticism.
- Ask for openness. One that does not criticize yourself. If that dreadful voice arises (and it does), let go of it.
- Picture yourself as a vital, enthusiastic, healthy, peaceful and creative sparkle.
- Embrace and encounter the unlimited power within yourself.
- Recognize that you are a sacred creative being, inspired by angels, full of exciting ideas and boundless creative energy.
- Act on your hunches.
~ Lydea
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Angel of the Day
Thursday, September 25, 2008Clicking on the image will take you to the Angel of the Day page at beliefnet. It's kind of cool - go check it out!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:19 AM 4 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
A Sufi Story
Wednesday, September 24, 2008I love the Sufi stories. Here's one about the Archangel Gabriel. I'm posting it here today, just in case we find ourselves taking this project way too seriously. I thought it might lighten things up a bit.One morning during prayer time, a simple peasant came into the mosque while Muhammad was leading community prayers. As part of one of the prayer cycles, Muhammad recited the portion of the Qur'an in which Moses comes before Pharaoh, but Pharaoh refuses to listen.
"That goddamn son of a bitch!" exclaimed the peasant. After everyone had held their breath, some began to shush him, and the prayers continued.
Afterward, several of the Prophet's companions began to lay into the peasant, telling him that not only was his interruption rude, it had invalidated his prayer.
While they were still haranguing him, the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad and said to him, "Allah has two messages for you. First, peace to you. Second, would you please tell your friends to stop harassing this poor peasant? His sincere cursing pleased me more than the others' prayers."
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:57 AM 2 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, stories
30 Angel Steps to Prosperity
Tuesday, September 23, 2008Cindy suggested that we use "30 Angel Steps to Prosperity" by Rebecca Marina as part of the project this time around.
It comes in a PDF file, and can be downloaded here.
(right click on the link, choose "save target as", and you will then be able to download the PDF file to your computer. Be sure to notice where the download will be saved to. If you have problems with the download, let me know, and I'll do my best to help.)
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Angel Prayers for Specific Needs
Monday, September 22, 2008I am not personally a big fan of pre-written prayers, however, I can see how they might have value. When we don't trust our own ability to communicate, it does help to have a script - to have an idea of what to say, and/or how to say it. Also, I find that in times of deep stress a pre-written prayer can become a mantra, a chant, a bridge of sorts. So, it is with that in mind, I'm offering this selection of prayers to connect with multiple divinities for a variety of specific needs.
Because there are quite a number of them, I decided to post each one separately, with a list of links here so the ones that interest you will be easy to find.
Why so many prayers? I included some that I wanted to try, and a few others because prosperity can be many different things depending on the circumstances.
- Abundance
- Finding Your Life's Purpose
- Courage
- Resolving Conflict
- Clear Communication with God
- Healing a Child
- Healing a Pet
- Healing For Oneself
- Addictions and Cravings
- Clairvoyance
- Connecting With the Fairies
The prayers themselves are just suggestions - they simply represent one of the many ways to invoke the dieties who oversee the situation with which you need help. Feel free to modify and change them, to make them your own.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
To increase your supply of money, food, time, opportunities, or whatever you desire more of, here's a powerful prayer. As you say this prayer, utter each name slowly, feeling the energy of each name:
Beloved Abundantia . . . Damara . . . Ganesh . . . Lakshmi . . . and Sedna . . . thank you for the abundant supply in my life, overflowing with beautiful opportunities for me to express my Divine light so that others may benefit as well. Thank you for all of the time and energy that I have to fulfill my dreams and desires. Thank you for the abundant financial support and supply. I gratefully accept all of your gifts, and ask that you keep them coming.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
Finding Your Life's Purpose
Archangel Michael . . . Jesus . . . Saint-Germain . . . and Vywamus . . . you can see what is the best next step for me to take. I need to hear, feel, and see this information clearly. I need to have faith in taking this next step. I need to feel courage and excitement about this next step. Thank you for supplying me with information, encouragement, and motivation.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, guidance, prayers
Powerful protectors from Heaven. Powerful allies by my side! I need your strength, courage, and protection beside me. Please come to me now!
Thank you, Archangel Michael, for giving me the courage to move forward fearlessly.
Thank you, Ashtar, for protecting me in all ways.
Thank you, Brigit, for helping me be a loving warrior on behalf of my beliefs.
Thank you, Cordelia, for removing stress and tension from my mind and body.
Thank you, Green Tara, for bringing me rapid results to my prayers.
Thank you Horus, for helping me clearly see the truth of this situation.
Thank you, Kali, for helping me stand my ground.
Thank you, Moses, for helping me be a fearless leader.
Thank you, Saint-Germain, for helping me stay positive, cheerful, and optimistic.
Thank you all for being with me and helping me rise up to, and rise above, all illusions of problems. Thank you for helping me grow and learn from all challenges. Thank you for reminding me to breathe and be centered in peacefulness!
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
Resolving Conflict
Beloved helpers in Heaven, please come to me now . . . Archangel Raguel, heavenly minister of fairness . . . Athena, goddess of peaceful solutions . . . Forseti, overseer of truth and justice . . . Guardian angels of [name the person or persons involved in the conflict] . . . I thank you for your intervention. I ask that you deliver my message to everyone involved in this situation and let them know of my desire for peace. I ask for a peaceful and rapid resolution, and I surrender this entire situation to you and God, knowing that it is already resolved. I know that only peace exists in truth, and that peace is everywhere, including within this situation and within everyone involved. Please clearly guide me as to my role in this peaceful resolution. Thank you.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers, relationships
Clear Communication with God
God, I deeply desire a closer relationship and clearer communication with You. I ask for Your assistance in opening me up so that I can clearly hear, see, feel, and know Your messages for me. Jesus . . . Moses . . . Jabaji . . . Yogananda . . . you demonstrated the ability to clearly hear God during your lifetimes on Earth. I ask your assistance in teaching me your ways. Please work with me so that I'm fully open to hearing God's messages and that I trust what I hear. Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Moses. Thank you, Babaji. Thank you, Yogananda.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, guidance, prayers
Healing a Child
I also recommend handwriting the prayer and placing it face up on a cabinet or shelf in the child's bedroom. If the child is old enough to say prayers, ask the child to say the prayer with you:
Thank you, God, for my child's perfect health. Thank you for peace within my child's body. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your powerful healing energy, which heals everything rapidly with each breath my child takes. Thank you, Damara, for gently comforting and reassuring me and my child. Thank you, Hathor, for clearly instructing me on how I can best help my child. Thank you, Mother Mary, for watching over all of us and sending us your Divine healing love.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, children, health, prayers
Healing a Pet
Healers in Heaven, I love [name of pet] with all my heart. Please join my love with yours and send it to [name of pet]. Dearest Aine, I ask that you surround my pet with your bright silver energy of peace and happiness. Dearest Raphael, I ask that you encircle my pet with your emerald-green energy of health and wellness. Dearest Dana, I ask that you help my pet's system to be balanced and in its natural state of vitality. Dearest Saint Francis, I ask that you communicate with my pet and let me know what I can do to bring my pet comfort.
Thank you Aine . . . Raphael . . . Dana . . . Saint Francis . . . for your healing work. Thank you for my pet's perfect health. Thank you for my pet's comfort. Thank you for lifting our spirits. I now surrender this situation to you and God with complete faith and confidence.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, animals, health, prayers
Healing for Oneself
Beloved Jesus, loving healer of God . . . beloved Aine, loving healer of God . . . beloved Archangel Raphel, loving healer of God . . . beloved Archangel Zadkiel, loving healer of God . . . beloved Saint Therese, loving healer of God. The love of God is now inside of me. I am completely filled and healed with the love of God. Jesus . . . Aine . . . Raphel . . . Zadkiel . . . Therese . . . I am so grteful for the ministering, healing, and comfort that you bring to me . . . thank you for surrounding and filling me completely. I am now completely well. I now feel absolutely wonderful, filled with the spirit of love in all ways. I am energized. I am happy. I am rested and refreshed. Thank you, God. Thank you Divine healers.
Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, health, prayers
Addictions and Cravings
If you're truly ready to release a substance, craving, or addictive pattern from your life, this is a very powerful method. After saying this prayer, you'll likely find that all cravings are gone. Or, you might have an experience that leads you to give up the addiction for good.
First, imagine tha the item, person, or situation that you want to release is sitting on your lap. Then imagine that it's floating in front of your navel. See or feel all the cords, webs, and roots extending from y our navel to the items you're releasing. Then say this prayer:
Archangel Raphel, beloved angel of healing!
Babaji, teacher of overcoming the physical world!
Beloved Devi, who cares so deeply!
Shining Maat, bringer of Divind light!
Serapis Bey, overseer of ascension!
Please cut the cords of addictions and cravings from me.
I now fully release any and all patterns of addictions, and
I completely embrace my freedom and physical health.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
Divine light, please enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity, and the ability to clearly see across the veil. Powerful Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye! Archangels Hamiel, Jeremiel, Raphael, and Raziel, I thank you for your Magical Divine energies and assistance with my spiritual sight now! Victorious Horus, thank you for stationing your eye in front of my own, so that I may see multidimensionally like you! Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending me energy from your third eye to my own so that I may see love in everything and everyone! Dearest Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for fully opening me up to see truth, beauty, light, and eternal life!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
Connecting with the Fairies
If you'd like to see fairies, or at least feel a greater connection with them, try saying this prayer while outdoors. It's especially powerful to say it, mentally or aloud, while you're in an area where wildflowers grow. You'll know that you've successfuly made the connection with the fairies when you feel compelled to pick up litter in the outdoors. This is one of the first communications that fairies normally make with humans. If you pick up litter, and treat animals and the environment with great respect, the fairies will show their appreciation by granting you wishes.
Beloved Dana, goddess of the leprechauns; beautiful Diana, mistress of the wood nymphs; powerful Maeve, queen of the fairies; golden Oonagh, protector of the fairies; I ask your assistance in connecting with the elemental world. Please introduce me to the fairies, and ask them on my behalf how I can get to know them better. I would like to develop a conection to the fairies and elementals, and I ask that you show me the way. Please help my mind and piritual vision to open to communications from their magical realm. Thank you.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, prayers
DAKINIS: Sky Dancing Angels
Sunday, September 21, 2008A Buddist Angel Concept "The teaching of the whispered lineage is the Dakini's breath" The literal translation of Dakini is "Sky Dancer". The Western form for Dakinis are Angels. If you believe in or have curiosity about Angels, well Dakinis immediately follow. The Western idea of an Angel being a beautiful celestial being who flies in the sky and who sometimes comes to earth to provide inspiration and support to us mortals is very similar to the Dakinis. Generally when they are referred to in Buddhist literature it is assumed they are devoted to the Truth (Dharma). But the broader meaning of the word is a female (males are called Dakas) spirit who has some freedom but is still bound by their past actions. Thus there are good Angels and bad (or simply confused) Angels. Some people might argue that you couldn't call them an Angel anymore if they're bad, but that's ridiculous since being predictable is not part of anyones long-term nature. |
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
What are Devas?
![]() How did devas come into being? It is said that in the beginning, when earth solidified and the physical life forms were formed, the devas were so far behind in evolution that they could not form physical bodies. Consciousness of the devas is directed to expansion in contrast to our consciousness that is focused and limited by the form of the human body. Devas are always conscious of their cosmic environment, and want to become ever more conscious of that what they encompass. Devic beings want to be, while physical beings want to do. Devic beings concentrate creating, while physical beings want to develop. Devas have an instinctive knowledge, they do not have to acquire knowledge like we do. The have instinctive knowledge of cosmic patterns, relationships, and harmonies. They do not have form as we understand form in the physical world. In their, astral, realm they are like fluidic open vortexes of cosmic consciousness. When people are able to perceive them, they often will take a form extracted from the human mind. Thus we will see them in a more or less human form, but in essence they are only vortexes of energies. They have memory and learn from past experiences. They are conscious of the archetypes of the field in which they work. They react to and improve their work according to the physical influences on the life forms with which they work. They are only interested in their own field of work. For example, the deva of the oak trees is only interested in the growth of oak trees, a landscape deva is only interested in the life forms of that landscape, a healing deva only works with healing energies. It is therefore useless to ask a oak tree deva how to heal a human body. Devas are only knowledgeable in their own particular field. Working with devas is of a mutual benefit. Devas acquire experience of focused consciousness and action, while humans can learn to surrender to the silence of the devic consciousness and its sensitivity to cosmic influences. Devas are always willing to help people. Many people have tried to classify and name the numerous nature spirits, but one has to understand that there are many, many forms of nature spirits, and one form blends over into another. On top of that their names are not consistent among the authors who classified them. But what does it matter, the most important thing, is that you have an idea of what they are and what they do. If you are really interested in working with nature spirits, one recommended book is the Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings by Marko Pogacnik, available from Findhorn Press. -- Posted By Two Feathers to Shirley TwoFeathers at 4/15/2008 06:13:00 PM |
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Angels in Space
Saturday, September 20, 2008This was reported in the New Year's Edition, "Parade Magazine," as one of the most significant events in 1985. The amazing event occurred with the Soviet Cosmonauts in the Salyut 7 that orbited the earth in 1985.
The six Soviet Cosmonauts in 1985 saw "celestial beings" on the 155th day aboard their orbiting space station. This was first reported by Cosmonaut Vladimir Solevev and Oleg Atkov as well as Leonid Kizim. This is what they said, "What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels."
As the Cosmonauts were performing medical experiments in Salyut 7 high above the earth, a brilliant orange cloud enveloped them, blinding them temporarily, and when their eyes cleared, they saw the angels.
The heavenly visitors, they said, followed them for about 10 minutes and vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. However, 12 days later, Cosmonauts Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, who had just joined the others on the space station, also saw the beings. "They were glowing," they reported. "We were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light, and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret, but within a few minutes, they were gone, and we never saw them again."
It does seem to fit though, doesn't it?)
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, stories
Our Angel Experiences
Before I began this project, I put out an invitation to share experiences and this lovely story came to me via email.
My personal experience with an angel goes like this.
I was going through a crisis a few years ago, and I was very stressed about a lot of things in my life. I didn't know what to do.
One day I went out to my backyard to try and de-stress. As I was walking I suddenly felt these huge warm wings fold themselves around me. It was like someone came up behind me but I could not see them.
When I was full cocooned in these wings which covered my whole body,I felt this amazing peace, total peace like I had never experienced.Then what I would say was an angel, talked to me by feelings. She told me that she was there to help me through the next big challenge of my life, and that I would sail through them easily.
What happened to me was indeed one of my biggest tests, but I did sail through it easily. I was given the right help and I haven't looked back since. I now know that we are not alone, and when things are really bad in our lives our Guardian angels are trying to comfort us through anyway they can. By sending people to us or something beautiful happening that lightens our load. Suffering can either make us bitter or it can deepen us.
Angels will always help us when we ask them, they don't like to interfere with our lives, but if we need their comfort and support, they will send someone to us or gives us a feeling of strength to help us cope. We just have to ask.
warm regards
Sony Crystal
So how about it guys? Does anyone else have a story to share? I'm really hoping we can get some good input here, because it really does help to hear real stories from real people. I know that many of us have "Angel Stories" - let's share them! Talking about angels tends to bring them out... I don't know if that's because angels like to be talked about. What I do know is that what we put our attention on grows, so let's put our attention on actual Angel experiences and get some good Angel Energy flowing.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 12:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, stories
What if you don't feel a connection?
Friday, September 19, 2008I am not entirely sure that I agree with this one because on some of my worst days (when my house is a mess, I'm living on junk, drama and negativity abounds) I have had the best experiences with Angels. Personally, I think the bit on unrealistic expectations is the most helpful - and possibly the only one that's true.
I did find this same information on a number of web sites, and I decided to post it in hopes that we can get a dialogue going on the subject. So... what do you think?
Angels vibrate at a very high level and it may take a while to attune yourself to this high vibration. Be patient! The most common blocks to getting angelic guidance are:
- Diet—(meat, caffeine, shellfish, most junk food, prepackaged foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives and chocolate are all low vibration foods that can block divine guidance)
- Drugs—(even over the counter products) and alcohol can cloud clarity.
- Drama—Whether the chaos is yours or originates from others in your life, it can make you distracted and agitated which adds to the difficulty of connecting with angels. Ask your angels to clear away all negativity and fear and fill you with the energies of peace and love.
- Disorganization—Angels are attracted to clean, organized, quiet atmospheres. Provide a welcoming atmosphere to appeal to angels.
- Negative People—Make changes where you can in your own life and try to avoid negative people. If you can't because of your circumstances, it may take you longer to connect but keep trying, eventually you'll be able to tune into the higher vibrations.
- Inexperience—If you haven’t done a lot of spiritual work or find it hard to relax and quiet your mind, be patient and realistic with your expectations. Try to increase your awareness of angels by heightening your all your senses and meditating regularly only a few minutes at a time.
- Unrealistic Expectations—If you're expecting a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended amount of time, it's not going to happen. Especially at first, the contact may be brief and more of a feeling than visual or audio. If you are lonely, you need human contact! Get out and join clubs or groups with interests like yours. Life is meant to be lived—get out there!
It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.
Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive. Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:52 AM 3 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
How do Angels Communicate with Us?
Thursday, September 18, 2008Angels help mostly by by communicating directly if you are able to receive or indirectly with omens (i.e. a book they feel you should read may fall off a shelf in your path for example). Out of nowhere, you may suddenly have a desire to contact someone or go somewhere.
They can also send information in dreams and as compressed energy that unfolds over time—you’ll have a knowing but won’t be able to verbalize it or explain it for a while as the pieces of the puzzle come together. They can also send you very high-level healing energies and healing. If you are able to feel subtle energies you may feel this as warmth or tingling pulses of energy moving through your body.
After asking your angel for assistance, watch for repetition of words you see, hear or think. Notice patterns like repeatedly hearing a song, seeing a bumper sticker or having a friend unknowingly repeat the very same message your angel gave you. Keep asking until you feel you completely understand the answer.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Meditation for Calling on Your Guardian Angels
Wednesday, September 17, 2008From Beliefnet, here is a quick meditation (by Doreen Virtue) to help you get started making direct communication with your Angels. ![]() Guardian angels live to comfort, direct, and carry you through the day. You can always contact them. ![]() |
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, meditation
Meditation to Meet Your Guardian Angel
The following prayer should be spoken, mentally or aloud before making contact with your angels. You should change it so it’s one you feel comfortable saying.
Address the prayer to one or more of the following: God, Goddess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Archangel Michael and the angels, QuanYin, Mother Mary, Mohammed, Moses, St. Germain, Father Wind, Mother Earth, a specific Goddess, Saint or Master.
Thank you so much for your love and assistance.
Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation. Begin by grounding and centering yourself. Close your eyes and imagining roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth. Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. Tell your Ego-self (or lower self) to stand aside. Mentally tell the Ego-self it is silenced now and know it is so.
Ask the Holy Spirit to surround you in a beam of white protective light. The Holy Spirit will immediately respond and beams down a ray of protective white light.
Imagine yourself in a beautiful place, it can be a forest, a meadow, a beach, wherever you will feel comfortable. Find a comfortable spot in this beautiful place to rest and relax.
Now, in your mind's eye, look around you, and notice a path. It is a beautiful path filled with love. This path is very long; it seems to go on and on—you can’t see the end of it. Keep your focus on this path.
Mentally ask for your Guardian Angel to come forth. Express your interest in wanting to meet him/her. See an illuminated ball of light in the distance.
It may be white or may be a color. Notice the color you see. See it slowly coming closer and closer becoming aware that the light is getting larger as it comes closer to you. Your Angel may decide to make itself known in another form. Just let this happen. Note what the light looks like as it come closer
Now your angel is directly in front of you. There may be more than one as your other angels, guides, relatives and pets may want to connect with you.
Greet your angel. You may get impressions, emotions, and tingly feelings. Its not uncommon for Angels to talk to you in your own voice, so don’t discount your inner voice as your imagination. Feelings of love, encouragement and warmth are most common markers of Angelic contact.
Thank your Angel for all the times that they have helped you, comforted you and protected you. Mentally invite the intervention, guidance and assistance of your Angel in your life from this point onwards.
Ask your angel the name they wish to be called. Angels’ true names are unpronounceable by us. They will either make up a name or let you choose one. If you don’t get one right away, don't worry. You may get a color or a musical note, every contact is different. Just know that whatever you receive is correct for you.
Ask your angel to communicate any messages to you. Absorb any communication such as thoughts, visions, knowingness and feelings, love and emotions.
Ask your angel any questions you have, one at a time. Note the answers. Don’t doubt the information or emotions you are given, just let your angel communicate to you in their own way.
Now say the following prayer to your guardian angel:
Angel of God, my guardian dear
Now ask the Creator to bless you and your Angel. See the both of you showered by the Light and Love from the Divine
Thank your Angel for meeting you in this meditation. Let your angel know you look forward to contacting them again soon Know they are always by your side.
Focus on grounding and centering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth. Pause a moment and open your eyes.
Did you get a name? If not, don't worry, sometimes just feeling your angel's energy is enough in the beginning.
~source unknown
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, meditation
How do I contact my Angels?
It is very simple to contact your Angels. All you need to do is call them. Many people choose to construct an altar, meditate, light candles, burn incense... there are as many ways to contact Angels, as there are people. It's all personal preference. Even though these techniques may set the stage, make you more comfortable and make the Angels feel welcomed, this is not necessary. All you need to do is call out to them. It doesn't have to be in words, all it needs to be is a thought "Angel, I need your help." They always come. If you open yourself up to their energy, you will feel their presence.
Once you feel your Angels, ask them questions. Let your mind go blank and allow anything to flow, don't try to make it happen. You may want to keep a journal and write down anything that comes to mind. There are many ways to communicate with your Angels, no one way is better than the other. It depends on what is comfortable for you. Some people meditate, while others choose to communicate through dreams. Some people actually hear the Angels talking to them, while others "feel" what the Angels are saying. Experiment and find what works best for you.
You'll soon be able to identify your Angels by the way they "feel". Each Angel has a different energy, just like humans. You may be able to feel their size or color, you may be able to tell how they smell, or how they sound. Again, no one way is better than the other, it's how the Angels choose to communicate with you and what's easiest for you to comprehend.
With time you'll know which Angel is helping you and from there you'll know what your individual Angels "specialize" in. This was the way I realized my Angel Magda was good at finding lost objects. Every time I turned to my Angels for assistance to help me find things, I came to realize it was Magda who always helped. Now, if I'm looking for something, I simply say "Magda, can you help me find..." It's not necessary, but it makes the communications a little more personal.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Contacting Your Angels
The following suggestions may help you in making initial contact with your angels.
- Choose a regular time each day to communicate to your guardian angels. Before going to sleep or when you first wake up may be the best time.
- If you have depression, negative feelings, fear, nightmares—ask your guardian angels for extra protection.
- Remain open to messages from your angel at all times. Especially when you sense a warning that you are making a mistake or a prickly feeling of danger.
- Don’t be irresponsible and risk your personal safety. Your guardian angel can’t override your free will.
- Be positive! Your angel will guide, heal and protect you but you must be responsible for your own actions. Don’t blame others or dismiss problems in your life as “something/someone is against you” or curses.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Connecting with Angels in a Sacred Space
Tuesday, September 16, 2008" How to Connect with Your Angels in a Sacred Space " ![]() Creating Your Sacred Space: My definition of Sacred Space: spiritually receptive, where you can sit & meditate or quietly just Be... to nourish your spirit & soul ... By creating an Angel alter you are setting your intention to the sacredness of the area and its' purpose... connecting to God and His messengers ... the Angels I am not suggesting this is worship of Angels - this is the intent of creating a sacred space where you are more receptive to God's Angels and the messages, guidance and Love they bring to you and where you create your own strong connection to your own spirituality through the acknowledgement of the Angelic presence in your life. To speak to your Angels from your heart. ![]() 1. Choose your space ... a dedicated space for this purpose 2. Choose objects to place on your Angel alter that have a spiritual meaning and speak to you through your heart. Candles, incense, Personalized Angel Painting (as shown in the image above) or Angel Print, figures, crystals, a beautiful cloth, plant, flowers, symbols of the heart, box ( I use mine for written messages & letters to my Angels). Remember ... keep it beautiful and clutter free of such things as car keys, etc ... You can add a comfortable chair, rug .. a comfortable place for you to be when you are following the steps below in connecting with your Angels or just to sit quietly ... it is your space ... make it comfortable. Once you have your alter completed, dedicate it as an Angel alter and invite your Angels into your space and ask them to fill the space with their Love & Light ... speak to them as you would a dear and beloved friend ... Welcome them with your Love. They are always with you, but now you are wanting to acknowledge them in your life and connect consciously with them. To Connect With Your Angels: 1. Take time when you will not be disturbed. .. This is your time ... Where comfortable clothing. 2. Play your favorite Angel music 3. Light your candle ( white, purple or violet) making sure that it is in a safe container for burning. 4. Light incense or aromatherapy oils can be used in their special infuser. Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender or jasmine are good choices ... the preference is yours. 5. Take some deep cleansing breaths and allow your body to relax ... and as you relax focus your intent on connecting with your Angel. You can ask to be connected to your Guardian Angel or an Archangel if you would like ... Ask for them to join you ... and feel their presence. 6. When you feel their gentle presence begin speaking with them ... this can be done silently or out loud. I sometimes write everything out if it is something very detailed I would like to discuss in letter form and put this in my box on my alter and discuss the highlights in my verbal discussion letting them know the details are in my letter ... Remember, if you need their help ... Ask for it. 7. When you are finished ... Thank your Angels... If you would like you can ask for confirmation of your discussion by asking for a symbol ... it may not come immediately so be aware and open to their response in the next day or so. The symbol make come in unexpected ways ... a song on the radio ... a phrase stands out in a sign, a feather in an unlikely place ... a thought floats through your mind that you know is not yours ... just be open and receptive. Listening becomes an important exercise for you ... the answers come in the silence and in many forms ... The more you work with the Angels the more comfortable, knowledgeable and receptive you will become in the forms of communication that works the best for your relationship ... Many blessings, Sharae Images & Text © Sharae Taylor - |
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, how-to
Creating an Angel Altar.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Angels In The Morning
Monday, September 15, 2008![]() Music by Gerald Jay Markoe Photographs by Marcia Lippman ![]()
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:59 AM 2 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, meditation
Enlisting Angelic Assistance
Sunday, September 14, 2008Welcome to the 40 day Prosperity Project on Angels. We've got lots of cool stuff ready and waiting to be posted for this project thanks to all the wonderful people who emailed me links and pages of information. You are deeply appreciated!
I think it would be a great idea to begin this project by making a list of what it is that we'd like our Angels to assist us with. The list we are making is not a "what I want for Christmas" type list. Nowhere have I read that Angels are like Santa Claus, giving us what we want because we are "good" or "deserving." My understanding is that Angels are here to assist us - to give us little nudges in the right direction, to hold us when we feel broken, to whisk us out of harm's way if we wander too far off the path, to whisper words of encouragement, and to give us strength and support when we need it or ask for it.
So, get out your journal, or grab a piece of paper and a pencil, and jot down what it is that you would ask for if you knew you had an appointment with an Angel tomorrow.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:28 AM 4 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance
Kids Talk About Angels
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hi guys! I want to thank all of you for all of your help with the Angel research. I've gotten lots of nice emails and have a wealth of information for our next project. Sunday seems like an appropriate day to begin to work with Angels, and since tomorrow is Sunday, I thought we might as well just get started bright and early tomorrow morning.
For today, I found something cute that someone sent it to me a while back, I don't know if children actually said these things, or if someone was just being clever... and it really doesn't matter.
- I only know the names of two angels. Hark and Harold . Gregory , (age 5)
- I hear angels all the time in my dreams. And I'm sticking with that no matter how many people tell me I'm crazy. Molly , (age 8)
- Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why but scientists are working on it. Olive , (age 9)
- It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes. Matthew , (age 9)
- Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else. Mitchell , (age 7)
- My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science. Henry , (age 8)
- Angels don't eat but they drink milk from holy cows. Jack , (age 6) Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The basic message is where you went wrong before you got dead. Daniel , (age 9)
- When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado. Regan, (age 10)
- Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go north for the winter. Sara, (age 6)
- Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter. Jared , (age 8)
- All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it. Antonia , (age 9)
- My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. Katelyn , (age 9)
- Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the kid get over it. Vicki, (age 8)
- What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. Sarah , (age 7)
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:12 PM 3 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, humor
Our Next Project
Sunday, September 07, 2008For our next project, I'm feeling guided to explore the idea of Angels, and how to access angelic aid. Some of the questions I'd like to explore are:
- Are Angels real?
- Can we ask them to help us?
- How does one go about communicating with Angels?
- If we ask for their help, will we get it?
- What kinds of things will Angels help us with?
As I posted previously, I've had some tough times recently. My dad is in treatment for Cancer, and my little dog, whom I love very much also has Cancer, and is diminishing daily as she prepares to make her transition to spirit without me. So, this is a heartrending time, and Angels are definitely needed.
I don't know when I'll be able to pull it together to begin the project - hopefully within the next week. And I'd love it if you all would give me some input.- First: I'm looking for links to websites and also books about Angels so that I can research for the project. Also, if you have a personal story or experience you'd like to share - that would be awesome.
- Second: I have a few images that I'm contemplating using as our "logo" for this project, and I can't make up my mind which one to use. If you'd take the time to vote on the one you like best, that would be great! The poll can be found in the sidebar here at The Prosperity Project, and the images are posted below.
Here are the images to choose from:
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 4:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: Angelic Assistance, getting started