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Addictions and Cravings

Monday, September 22, 2008

If you're truly ready to release a substance, craving, or addictive pattern from your life, this is a very powerful method. After saying this prayer, you'll likely find that all cravings are gone. Or, you might have an experience that leads you to give up the addiction for good.


First, imagine tha the item, person, or situation that you want to release is sitting on your lap. Then imagine that it's floating in front of your navel. See or feel all the cords, webs, and roots extending from y our navel to the items you're releasing. Then say this prayer:

Archangel Raphel, beloved angel of healing!
Babaji, teacher of overcoming the physical world!
Beloved Devi, who cares so deeply!
Shining Maat, bringer of Divind light!
Serapis Bey, overseer of ascension!
Please cut the cords of addictions and cravings from me.
I now fully release any and all patterns of addictions, and
I completely embrace my freedom and physical health.

Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue


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