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How do I contact my Angels?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It is very simple to contact your Angels. All you need to do is call them. Many people choose to construct an altar, meditate, light candles, burn incense... there are as many ways to contact Angels, as there are people. It's all personal preference. Even though these techniques may set the stage, make you more comfortable and make the Angels feel welcomed, this is not necessary. All you need to do is call out to them. It doesn't have to be in words, all it needs to be is a thought "Angel, I need your help." They always come. If you open yourself up to their energy, you will feel their presence.


Once you feel your Angels, ask them questions. Let your mind go blank and allow anything to flow, don't try to make it happen. You may want to keep a journal and write down anything that comes to mind. There are many ways to communicate with your Angels, no one way is better than the other. It depends on what is comfortable for you. Some people meditate, while others choose to communicate through dreams. Some people actually hear the Angels talking to them, while others "feel" what the Angels are saying. Experiment and find what works best for you.

You'll soon be able to identify your Angels by the way they "feel". Each Angel has a different energy, just like humans. You may be able to feel their size or color, you may be able to tell how they smell, or how they sound. Again, no one way is better than the other, it's how the Angels choose to communicate with you and what's easiest for you to comprehend.

With time you'll know which Angel is helping you and from there you'll know what your individual Angels "specialize" in. This was the way I realized my Angel Magda was good at finding lost objects. Every time I turned to my Angels for assistance to help me find things, I came to realize it was Magda who always helped. Now, if I'm looking for something, I simply say "Magda, can you help me find..." It's not necessary, but it makes the communications a little more personal.

Source: Angel Focus


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