" How to Connect with Your Angels in a Sacred Space " ![]() Creating Your Sacred Space: My definition of Sacred Space: spiritually receptive, where you can sit & meditate or quietly just Be... to nourish your spirit & soul ... By creating an Angel alter you are setting your intention to the sacredness of the area and its' purpose... connecting to God and His messengers ... the Angels I am not suggesting this is worship of Angels - this is the intent of creating a sacred space where you are more receptive to God's Angels and the messages, guidance and Love they bring to you and where you create your own strong connection to your own spirituality through the acknowledgement of the Angelic presence in your life. To speak to your Angels from your heart. ![]() 1. Choose your space ... a dedicated space for this purpose 2. Choose objects to place on your Angel alter that have a spiritual meaning and speak to you through your heart. Candles, incense, Personalized Angel Painting (as shown in the image above) or Angel Print, figures, crystals, a beautiful cloth, plant, flowers, symbols of the heart, box ( I use mine for written messages & letters to my Angels). Remember ... keep it beautiful and clutter free of such things as car keys, etc ... You can add a comfortable chair, rug .. a comfortable place for you to be when you are following the steps below in connecting with your Angels or just to sit quietly ... it is your space ... make it comfortable. Once you have your alter completed, dedicate it as an Angel alter and invite your Angels into your space and ask them to fill the space with their Love & Light ... speak to them as you would a dear and beloved friend ... Welcome them with your Love. They are always with you, but now you are wanting to acknowledge them in your life and connect consciously with them. To Connect With Your Angels: 1. Take time when you will not be disturbed. .. This is your time ... Where comfortable clothing. 2. Play your favorite Angel music 3. Light your candle ( white, purple or violet) making sure that it is in a safe container for burning. 4. Light incense or aromatherapy oils can be used in their special infuser. Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender or jasmine are good choices ... the preference is yours. 5. Take some deep cleansing breaths and allow your body to relax ... and as you relax focus your intent on connecting with your Angel. You can ask to be connected to your Guardian Angel or an Archangel if you would like ... Ask for them to join you ... and feel their presence. 6. When you feel their gentle presence begin speaking with them ... this can be done silently or out loud. I sometimes write everything out if it is something very detailed I would like to discuss in letter form and put this in my box on my alter and discuss the highlights in my verbal discussion letting them know the details are in my letter ... Remember, if you need their help ... Ask for it. 7. When you are finished ... Thank your Angels... If you would like you can ask for confirmation of your discussion by asking for a symbol ... it may not come immediately so be aware and open to their response in the next day or so. The symbol make come in unexpected ways ... a song on the radio ... a phrase stands out in a sign, a feather in an unlikely place ... a thought floats through your mind that you know is not yours ... just be open and receptive. Listening becomes an important exercise for you ... the answers come in the silence and in many forms ... The more you work with the Angels the more comfortable, knowledgeable and receptive you will become in the forms of communication that works the best for your relationship ... Many blessings, Sharae Images & Text © Sharae Taylor - www.angelsbysharae.com |
Lives are snowflakes
“Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one
another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I
mean, real...
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