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Creating an Angel Altar.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Angel altars are not necessary and they're not used to pray to Angels, they give you a designated space that is set aside only for you and your Angels. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, it can be a book shelf or a small table in a corner of the room. But you want it to be somewhere you are comfortable. Where you're able to relax, meditate and speak to your Angels.

No one can tell you exactly what to put on your altar. Put things that mean something to you, something that reminds you of your Angels. A pretty table cloth or place mat, stones, candles, incense, figurines of Angels, flowers, an Angel journal, a feather, a tabletop waterfall. Anything that feels good to you in that place is what should be there.

Once you have your altar all together, dedicate it as an Angel altar. Do not lay keys on it or allow it to get cluttered. Be respectful of your space. Call Angels to your altar and always make it a welcoming place for them.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Yesterday while cleaning, I found a really nice box with angels on the top of it. Inside, was a collection of shells and feathers. I think I'm going to find a new home for that collection, and make the box into a sort of altar or sacred space for Angels only.

I'll keep some of the shells and feathers - and add crystals - and other stuff - and use it for some of our upcoming angel activities.

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