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Healing a Child

Monday, September 22, 2008

If a child is in need of healing or relief from pain, then say this prayer. It's been said that when parents pray on behalf of their children, those prayers are answered first in Heaven.
I also recommend handwriting the prayer and placing it face up on a cabinet or shelf in the child's bedroom. If the child is old enough to say prayers, ask the child to say the prayer with you:


Thank you, God, for my child's perfect health. Thank you for peace within my child's body. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your powerful healing energy, which heals everything rapidly with each breath my child takes. Thank you, Damara, for gently comforting and reassuring me and my child. Thank you, Hathor, for clearly instructing me on how I can best help my child. Thank you, Mother Mary, for watching over all of us and sending us your Divine healing love.

Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue


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