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Home Sweet Home

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

bed and breakfast

The saying "Home is where the heart is." may or may not be true for you. It is, however, the place you come to at the end of the day. So, lets make note of at least 5 things we like about our homes.

If you are happy with your home, this will be an easy one, but if you are less than satisfied with your living arrangements, here's a little something to get you started:
  1. One thing I like about my home is ...
  2. And it's also ... , which is good.
  3. Another thing appreciate about the place I live, is ...
  4. Plus, I think it's great that ...
  5. And above all I thank God every day that I do have a front door that opens and closes!!


Shirley Twofeathers said...

ok... let me see..

1. I love that my home has hot AND cold running water!
2. I love the property that my home sits on.
3. Another thing that I like about my home is that it's mine. Well, not ACTUALLY mine, since I haven't got it paid off, but it's not a rental and I live alone - with no one to answer to but me - so it's MINE MINE MINE.
4. I do also like that it has important stuff like doors, windows, and electricity.
5. Plus it has heating and air conditioning which is a bonus! Not only that, but there are appliances in it - a washer, a dryer, a stove, and a refrigerator. Not to mention a dishwasher... and a microwave. I've got more stuff than plenty of people in this world, and a place to put it too...

So... that's good!

Anonymous said...

I like that my home is quiet; it has a beautiful patio; it's in a great spot; it works really well for my family.

Karla said...

1. One thing I like about my home is the location..I love that we back up on a beautiful wetland area with birds of all kinds and millions of frogs harmonizing each night.
2. It's also got plenty of space for all of us AND the animals, which is good.
3. I appreciate the colors in my home. I like the neutral, calming colors the walls are painted.
4. Plus, I think it's great the laminate flooring is easy to seep all the FUR & PAW MUD off of. I can't imagine if this place was fully carpeted.
5. And above all I thank God every day we have so far been able to stay here despite tough economic times. WE are so lucky!

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