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What I like about my car

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Your car, now that's something important to think about. Someone once told me that you should always take care of your car first because if something happens and you lose your house, you could always live in your car - but if something happens to your car, you certainly can't drive your house to work!

So, today, lets focus on 5 things that we like about our cars. And if it happens that you don't have a car, you could put that same focus on whatever vehicle it is that gets you around.

I'll help you get started:

  1. The best thing about my car is that ...
  2. And I also like ...
  3. Thankfully, the ... works really well.
  4. I'm so glad that ...
  5. Not only that, but I love it when I put the key in the ignition, and it starts right up.


Karla said...

This is easier that thinking up nice stuff about my rotund personage! I love my car!
1. I like my car because it's not too small and not too big but JUUUSSST RIGHT!
2. Peppy, peppy, peppy. Zoom here. Zoom there. O to 60 in no time! I think my husband bough the Turbo feature so he could enjoy it but Momma's a Speedy Gonzales now! The kids call it my Granny Pimp Wagon.
3. Very reliable. What a sweet car! Always on it's best behaviour!
4. I like the fact that it has a CD player! First car I've had without a cassette!
5. The leather seats and sunroof were things I asked for when manifesting my car. I actually envisioned a Lexus (mine is a PT Cruiser) but kept creating a view of myself sitting in the car and looking out: "Ok there is the stereo over there, the leather seats are smooth, the sunroof is really cool." I did NOT create from the outside! So my car is EXACTLY what I pictured..when I sit in it!! I love it! This creating thing really works!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I love my car too. It came to me in a magical way, and even though it has 190,000 miles on it, I haven't had any trouble with it other than regular stuff that has to be replaced periodically.

So... I love how well my car runs. I love that it came to me in a magical way. I love that it's mine - and I don't have a car payment. I love that it takes me where I want to go. And, I love that the heater, the radio, and the windshield wipers work.

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