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21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Friday, October 08, 2010

We've completed our 21 secrets of self-made millionaires. Tomorrow, we'll begin exloring more secrets of multi-millionaires. In the interim, I thought I thought it might be helpful to have these 21 secrets together in one post, so here they are.

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.

(1) DREAM BIG DREAMS. Thinking Big will change your life.

(2) CREATE A SPECIFIC PICTURE OF WHERE YOU'RE GOING. The more specific you are the more likely you are to get there.

(3) THINK AND ACT LIKE YOU'RE THE OWNER OF A BUSINESS, THE BUSINESS OF EVERYTHING YOU DO. Even if you work for someone else, you're attitude will plant seeds for your independent greatness to grow.

(4) LOVE WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING NOW. If you don't love it, leave it. By saying no to doing work just for money you are magnetizing work to you that you can love.

(5) CREATE A MASTERMIND GROUP. Have a regular meeting with others who are committed to building great lives. Share what you're up to and support each other.

(6) ESTABLISH A HEALTHY WORK ETHIC. Make taking action your best friend.

(7) COMMIT TO CONSTANT NEVER-ENDING IMPROVEMENT. Every day be searching for how you can learn more.

(8) SEE YOUR WORK AS SERVICE. Helping others will grow your business.


(10) PREPARE FOR OPPORTUNITY. It will knock. Will you be ready?

(11) STAY PHYSICALLY FIT. Strong minds create strong bodies. Weak bodies are the result of weak minds. Your physical and mental health are the core of your success in life.

(12) PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE. Do what's most important first.

(13) DELIVER MORE THAN YOUR CUSTOMER EXPECTS. This builds loyalty and repeat business. It feels good too.

(14) DISCIPLINE YOURSELF. Fill your life with activities and people that make you grow. Discard activities that have negative results in your life.

(15) PAY YOURSELF FIRST. This is the first rule of the wealthy. Put money into savings before you pay bills. And DON'T touch it.

(16) MAKE TIME TO BE ALONE. This time is for planning and listening to what's inside you. Give your creativity time and silence to speak to you.

(17) GO FOR GREATNESS. Value the best and don't settle for less.

(18) HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Know who you are and what you want. Express this with integrity at all times.


(20) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Your mindset is focused on success. You will have success.

(21) BE DETERMINED TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS. Tenacious persistence builds confidence which leads to victory.

Author: Sopan Greene M.A.


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