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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.

Here is secret #21:

BE DETERMINED TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS. Tenacious persistence builds confidence which leads to victory.

My thoughts:

When it comes to blogging and websites, I have that tenacious persistence. When I'm working on an art project, or pulling a class together, hiking in the woods, or doing any one of the things that I love to do - that persistence comes easy. So, I'm having this idea that this is where "do what you love" is easy to figure out. I've got the "juice" for stuff I love - it's all that other stuff - dishes, laundry, marketing, my day job... that's where there is no love, and therefore, no juice. Start talking to me about money and my eyelids get heavy... very heavy... the TV comes on... and next thing you know I'm fast asleep.

So, now what? What's the answer to that, I wonder...


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