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Millionaires - The Real Secret

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Having come through this project thus far, here's what I think is the absolute bottom line when it comes to millionaires. Are you ready? Because I think I've got the core secret figured out!

Millionaires and those people who pull them themselves up from poverty to become millionaires have one thing in common - one thing that sets them apart from everyone else.

They are not afraid of money!

Think about it! After reading all these posts over the last 4 weeks, one thing remains. They are not afraid to:

  1. want money
  2. borrow money
  3. have money
  4. spend money
  5. use money
  6. ask for money
  7. charge money
  8. risk money
  9. work hard for money
  10. sacrifice for money
  11. get money
  12. do what ever it takes to make money


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