This is one of the weekly meditations that come to me via email. It's from Pragito, and I thought it would be good for this project.
Suddenly you see a friend you have not seen for many days and you feel joy arising in your heart. But your attention is on your friend, not on your joy. Then you are missing something and the joy is momentary.
When you see a friend and suddenly feel a joy arising in your heart, concentrate on this joy. Feel it and become it, and meet the friend while being aware and filled with your joy. Let the friend be on the periphery, and remain centered in your feeling of happiness.
When and Where:
You can try this technique in many situations. For example, the sun is rising, or you suddenly see your pet, or any external situation that brings a feeling of joy arising in your heart.... be centered in your own feeling of joy. Instead of being
object-centered, become self-centered.
Whenever there is joy, you feel it is coming from without. That is not the actual case. The joy is always within you. The friend/the external situation has just become a situation to trigger the joy within you.
Whenever this happens remain centered in the inner feeling, and then you will have a different attitude about everything in life. You become the emotion of joy itself, and there will be a great change in you.The joy spreads through your whole being and your awareness deepens it.
Lives are snowflakes
“Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one
another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I
mean, real...
Today has been a day with more than it's fair share of controversy... and yet... I have maintained a sense of peace and joy throughout because I have been thinking about this post, and using it. So thank you Pragito!
And this reminds me of something that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said years ago, back when I was a student of Transcendental Meditation.
He said that the feelings are already there, we just find reasons to express them. That when a feeling of sorrow or anger is rising up from within, seeking expression or a way out, we find external "reasons" for the feeling as a way to make it "ok" to express it or allow it to move through us.
Interesting, huh?
Yes, very interesting! I really hadn't thought about the fact that the joyous feeling was coming from an external source. I will definitely try to use this to experience more inner joy and happiness. I can hardly wait!
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