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The little things

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Today, let's be thankful for the little things.

What is the cream in your coffee?
The icing on your cake?


Anonymous said...

I have been mulling this on over all day... and didn't come up with much.

Mostly I'm glad for big things like running water, and shoes that fit.

Little things might be... hmmm I'm thinking...

I am really thankful for the sheepskin rug by my bed; that beer bottls have twist off lids, and that I can turn the ringer off on my phone.

Cindy H said...

The little things I'm thankful for are:
My granddaughter
My cats
Cookies and cold milk
Washable slippers

I know, kind of a weird list, but this one was hard!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for some big and some little things:
My partner of 18yrs
My "little" dog Zan
For a cool pillow on a hot day
For a refrigerator that makes ice cubes
For flowers especially those with smell, those that smell good I should say.
For butterflies and lightening bugs

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