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Today is great!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Today is a great day because ____________!


Anonymous said...


My very first thought was:
Today is a great day because I'm in it!

Amazing! I think this gratitude stuff is really working! I really am coming out of my depression! I have more money in the bank than I've ever had! I found my "religion" of choice! And I even like myself!

It's like a miracle!

Cindy H said...

Today is great because I got a massage and it was GREAT!!! (I go to a student clinic, so some are not quite as good as others.)

Shirley, I'm so glad to hear your depression is lifting!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to Thank God for this beautiful day in the mountains seeing the cleansing moonsoon rains come down and cool everything so that I actually have to put a sweater on!

Anonymous said...

Today is a great day because the tunnel vision I've had, where I see only two options: working at my job which I so desperately want to leave OR being unemployed and penniless, has given way to the LIGHT of endless possibilities...I don't have to work at this job, I can either find another one or create one that I love. It's so wonderful when the black cloud lifts and you realize there's a lot more out there in God's beautiful world and I can go enjoy it instead of being stuck here and complaining!

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