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Here's something fun!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

While we wait for me to get the Mastermind Project wrapped up, and the next project organized, I thought we could do something really fun.

I found a nifty little website with a really cool tool that allows you to create your own Southpark persona. I had so much fun playing around there, creating different funny characters. Finally I came up with "me at southpark" which I posted on Shirley Twofeathers .

I thought it would be really fun if we all did this here at the prosperity project. My idea being that it would be a great way to share a little more of "who" we are. Here is the link:

The instructions on how to save your person are a little bit confusing. Basically, what you have to do is use a screen capture to grab the image, and then you have to take that screen capture image into a graphics program and crop out your little person. Which is a lot easier than it sounds.

Here's a how to: Go to the website and create someone. Play around and have fun with it. When you have someone that you like, you can then save the image.

  • On your keyboard somewhere there should be a key that says "print screen".
  • Press that key when you have your person just how you want them to be.
  • Nothing (that you can see) will happen when you press the key.
  • Now, minimize the page you have open at South Park Studio.
  • In a new window, open up a graphics program like Paint, Microsoft Photo Editor, Adobe, Paint Shop Pro, Gimp, whatever graphics program you happen to have.
  • Once you get the program open, you may need to open a "new" file.
  • At which point you can "paste" your image.
  • What you paste will look identical to what was on your screen when you made your "persona".
  • Crop your person out of the picture,
  • save it as a jpeg, and there you are!

I'm sure that's about as clear as mud. If you have problems with it, let me know and I'll do what I can to help.

When you get the image finished, email me a copy of it, and I'll make us a "The Prosperity Project Goes Southpark" post and put all of them there. We could even write a little something about ourselves to include with each one ...

How about it? I think it will be hilarious and fun! Let's do it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Cindy, I got your southpark person. Haven't had a chance to look yet as I'm here at work and can't open image files.

I can't wait to see what everyone creates! This will be fun!

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