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That's not good - or is it?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sadly for Marshall

I am finding that this project is not working all that well for me. And I think it's because it's still too easy. Each day, I think of a few good things, and then that's it. I'm back to whining and complaining and freaking out and all my other negative thinking. It's like I know there are some good things in my life but they are not nearly as interesting or as immediate as the stuff that's not so good.

So... here's what I came up with for today:

Think of something in your life right now that's NOT good, it could be a recurring problem, (such as unpaid bills or a job you dislike), or it could be a situation or circumstance (maybe you're sick or unemployed), it could even be a pervasive uncomfortable feeling (depression or guilt), doesn't matter what you pick. Just pick something that you find yourself focused on a fair amount of the time.

Got your NOT good thing?

Now, sit down and make a list of all the reasons why that NOT good thing is actually GOOD. How does it help you? What good does it pull into your life? What are you getting out of it? What are the benefits? How is it useful? How could you be grateful for it?

This one is a brain stretcher, and it's okay to really stretch when reaching for answers, it's okay to be sarcastic and silly. The important thing is to start making that list. And let's work on making it a nice long one too. How about don't stop until you have at least 7 good things.

Stumped? Here are some examples to help you get started:
  • My job (that I hate) is good because every morning I see the sunrise on my way in to work.
  • Yes, I might be sick, but I get to watch every episode of America's Next Top Model.
  • Sure my life sucks, and that's great because I now have something to talk about when my ex calls.


Karla said...

-The strained relationship between my hubby and my kids is the single worst part of my life. My kids are learning alot about patience, and if they can learn to love and accept this man..they can get along with anyone. Perhaps he will learn too, someday.
-The overwhelming amount of yardwork I didn't complete this weekend means I have further opportunity to be physical and work outside tonight after work. What a great way to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Labor=calories burned, right?
-The piles of fur that amass in every nook and cranny of my house and cling to everything I wear are reminders of all the LOVE these four-footed creatures have for us.
-the plumpness of my physique is a by product of wonderful meals I have prepared and fantastic dinners we have enjoyed out at nice restaurants.
-The stress and financial strain of planning a baby shower for darling daughter next weekend will be so worth it when old friends and new firends join together to welcome and celebrate LIFE. A wonderful tradition and my daughter deserves a nice festive day!
-The uncertainty and doubt about my abilities I feel sometimes when planning events like the psychic fair is a good reminder to always be learning, to keep reaching out to examine different methods of Palmistry and incorporate new theories into my readings. In other words, keep fresh, remain a student as well as a teacher.

OK is that seven? Anyway, gotta go. Yes, I agree that having to turn around my most negative thoughts is tougher. These are the things that swirl about in my head that need to be shaken off! Stopping that "mind chatter" that's so destructive is a challenge for me.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Thanks Karla, I was really struggling with this - but if you can do it, I can too.


The thing I fuss and fret about most often is the discrepancy between my income and my basic expenses. And this is a good thing because:

1. I get up early every almost every morning and go to work, and so I do see the sun rise.
2. If I wasn't worried about money, I wouldn't be working at Heavenly Pets, and I think they need me, and it feels good to be needed.
3. Finding my way through my money issues - once I accomplish it - will be a great example for my kids.
4. It gives my parents an opportunity to feel good when they help me out.
5. I have a wonderful distraction from my other more uncomfortable issues.
6. Having money problems gives me something to talk about, and a way to get attention from people who worry about me. !!! (I guess that's good...)
7. I have a great opportunity to work through my issues of lack and limitation, self worth, and self love.

WOW! I did it!

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