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What I Like About My Job

Monday, April 06, 2009


It's Monday morning. For many people, this is the beginning of yet another work week. So lets begin our project with the five things you LIKE about your job! I'll help you get started:

  1. What I like about my job is ...
  2. And another thing about it that's good is ...
  3. Of course, I'm really grateful that ...
  4. What else? Hmmm... Well - I do like ....
  5. And lastly, I thank God every day that I don't LIVE there.
And I think it would be really helpful if you go ahead and write your five things down. Better yet, post it here on the project!


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Well, I had a rough work week and this one was hard. Here's what I came up with:
1. I like that I don't have to worry about what to wear.
2. I like that I get a paycheck.
3. The work is active and straightforward.
4. I see my daughter every day.
5. And last but not least, "Thank you, GOD!" I really love that I don't LIVE there.

Anonymous said...

I like my job because I don't have to go anywhere to do it; I can do things pretty much my way; parts of my job fit in very well with what I'm good at; I can be creative about how I do it; I don't have to maneuver around a lot of difficult personalities.

Hey - I have a different idea of my job (homemaker) versus my work (artist); "job" for me smacks of a necessary evil whereas "work" relates more to purpose. I would have very different answers if I were to list five things I like about my work. Thanks - that was an exercise in awareness.

Anonymous said...

I like my job because I dont have one!

karla said...

Shoot I posted this the other day and it didn't show up! Sigh. I'll see if I can remember.
1. I like that I HAVE a job! Awesome! Very grateful
2. My pay is reasonable for the work I do..I don't feel grossly underpaid (although it could always be more!)
3. The people I work with are intelligent and classy and I feel like they want to help others.
4. I work in a beautiful historic adobe in a clean, pretty community by the ocean.
5. It's rarely boring!

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