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Beware the swamp

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Beware the swamp, the quicksand, the Sahara desert! These are the energy drains that look and feel impossible! The job you hate but can’t quit, the difficult marriage or relationship you don’t know how to navigate, the health issue that is full of unknowns, the looming decision that you can’t think through – all these things that are too big for you right now today! They aren’t your job today!

Today, we are doing something small and simple – easy and doable – something that you have the time for and the resources to do! If you can’t come up with something to do about your energy drain, whatever it may be, right now, in the moment, easily, with resources you have on hand, it isn’t the right drain to work on!

Is your energy drain a failure of forgiveness? Are you stuck in your plumbing nightmare because you can’t forgive yourself for having gotten there in the first place? Can you see how that magnifies, perpetuates and paralyzes you in this nightmare?

How about feeling excitement instead? This is terrific, this is a great, fun game! This is creative – what can I do without the easy solution, the quick fix, for EVERYTHING that’s wrong!

So the big thing, the job, the money, the relationship – those are the things that we see. But look closer at how these big problems are manifesting themselves in the little things in your life. Do you drag yourself out every morning to drive to the job you hate and your windshield is dirty? Is your back seat littered with trash, unopened mail, junk that needs to be delivered to the thrift shop… How would you feel, dragging yourself to work in a clean car that smells like tangerines? Maybe a little lighter?


Karla said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha! I swear you are psychic, Shirley. My youngest daughter had a huge discussion on how dirty my windshield keeps getting and I mumbled about washing it last night. I just don't get it. Pollen? Dirt that sticks because it's foggy at night? Am I parking under a bad tree at work? Am I wasting too much time talking about it and looking at life through THAT?

I solemnly vow to wash my windshield before i go to work!

An easy one! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

So last night during my meditation time. I asked to remember my self worth, and I actually slept for awhile. Today I am going to clean out my car and tackle brushing out my dog. I know that is two things but the car won't take long and my poor dog really, really needs a brushing.

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