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Big Dreams

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.

Here is secret #1:

DREAM BIG DREAMS. Thinking Big will change your life.

My thoughts on this subject are as follows:

It occurs to me that I never truly allow myself to dream big. Yes, I have big ideas about who I want to be in the world and what I want to have - but when it comes to what I want to actually do - the dream shrinks considerably. I start thinking in terms of what I don't want. I don't want to have to work, I don't want to have to drive in wintry weather, I don't want to be tied down, I don't want to be obligated to this or that... etc. And it turns into this long list of what I don't want.

So, I'm thinking, what do I actually want to do? What excites me? What fulfills me? What big exciting thing could I be flinging myself into that would actually pay my bills and bring me the freedom to be the coolest, funnest, most interesting version of me?

And when I do think those big thoughts about what I might be doing if only I could, when the dream begins to get really spectacular, I get nervous and scared, and immediately back off... What if I can't pull it off? What if I'm not good enough, young enough, smart enough? What if I can't measure up?

So, what are your thoughts? What is your experience? What are your big dreams? And are you allowing yourself to think those grand thoughts? Or do you sell yourself short? What about self sabotage? Do you do that too? Or do you have people around you who function in that capacity?

I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this - because - frankly, I'm thinking I need all the help I can get!


Karla said...

Definitely the Queen of Self Sabotage! I have to FORCE myself to visualize what I want because my focus is usually on the minimum I need to get by. "I just need to budget $150 for groceries" "If I put $18 in my tank it may last the rest of the week." Bad habit! I try and play the "Wouldn't it Be Nice" game as often as I can. "Wouldn't it be nice to go visit Costco and fill up my cart with all the fun things they have..really stock up the fridge!" "Wouldn't it be nice to start a system where I just filled my tank every Monday! How easy that would be and I bet my car would love it, too!" Dreaming big doesn't have to mean mansions and yachts..little things can be big dreams, too, when you are used to not allowing yourself to dream at all.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I hear you Karla! And I'm always thinking that it's pointless and futile to spend so much time wishing for stuff I'll never have.

What I realized as I was thinking about this is that by focusing on what I want to HAVE instead of what I want to DO, I'm missing the whole point of dream big.

When I'm focused on what I want to DO and working to DO THAT THING, the things I need to have seem to come more freely and easily.

Example - when I focused on having a gazillion blogs and websites - the money for domain names, computer programs, virus protection, laptop, and etc - all that stuff somehow made it into my reality - I made it happen because I needed it in order to do what I was so committed to doing.

And when my commitment is to barely survive - well it seems that if that's what I'm DOING - then just enough to barely survive comes my way.

On the other hand if my commitment is to just HAVE stuff - I can't seem to make it come to me. So... if I am DOING something that requires ... hmmm... let me see .... art supplies. I'll have those art supplies no matter what!

I'm hoping this makes sense... does it?

sanehat said...

Yes Two Feathers, making sense. My problem is similiar to yours. What do I want to do? I am trying to let my mind/imagination take this and run and see where it goes. I will check in later if I come up with anything.

Michelle said...

I always dream big. I visualize the castle, the money, the messeuse...but I guess if you're right then my dreaming about doing nothing and just having cool stuff is going to get me doing nothing and dreaming about cool stuff. So, what do I want to DO? Good question, but I know the answer is paint the beach, paint the Grand Canyon, paint all the beautiful places I want to go paint. I always see this as a pie in the sky idea, so I never actually allow myself to dream about painting like that. Guess I'll be giving that a try!

Cindy H said...

I don't want to come off as abnoxious, but I am so, SO grateful for the way my life has been going in the last year, it's almost embarassing! I have just been oozing prosperity in so many forms!! And I don't want it to end!! And would it be rude to ask for more and more? I certainly don't know what might have changed in my life, my mindset, whatever, to bring all these great things into my life, but I sure am happy!

I definitely self sabotage, too! I try not to! Maybe that's why things are better, I don't know! But I feel like I still need to participate in this month's project just to keep things going so well!

I do notice that things started to improve after I started getting in touch with my guides and angels more. I'll try to think of some goals and try not to come across as bragging what the riches I am enjoying, okay? I certainly want all of you to be able to experience the level of prosperity that has come into my life!!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Cindy I don't think you should feel the least bit bad about how well things are going for you! I remember when you had your big dream of a nice house, a nice man, and time to travel and enjoy life. And I remember that there were plenty of times when that seemed impossible... and yet... here you are, passport in hand getting ready to go someplace cool!

And I'm thinking that our "big dreams" don't have to be super ambitious. For some people, the energy to get out of bed in the morning and the enthusiasm to enjoy the day are big dreams.

So - I don't see a single reason why you can't have more in your life - more love - more joy - more fun - more pleasure - more adventures - more of everything you want more of!!

And I love that your life is so good, and I like hearing about it. I like to think of you as a prosperity project success story - so go ahead and brag all you want! I like it!!

I think of you as a success story - and .

Shirley Twofeathers said...

And Karla, you are so right! Little things can be big dreams -

What you said, about focusing on the minimum to get by reminded me of a post on a blog somewhere about giving up the "low rent" stuff in your life... I'll have to find the link and when I do, I'll post it here.

Karla said...

Cindy ! Wow! Fantastic! I hope you give some thought as to what little things you may have shifted to accept and allow abundance to come to you! I'm sure we are all going to experience that as well, and certainly not everyone's story will be the same, but it's not bragging, it's inspiring! Be excited! Maybe it will rub off!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I totally agree with Karla!

And, by the way, here's a link to that blog post. I found it at, it's called Permission to quit the low rent experiences.

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