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Work Hard

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.

Here is secret #6:

ESTABLISH A HEALTHY WORK ETHIC. Make taking action your best friend.

Here's what I think:

Absolutely! I am sure this is true. And at the same time, all work and no play... well... who can do that? So there needs to be also time structured in for fun, rest, rejuvenation, relaxation, and just plain goofing off. And what happens to me is that the goofing off part gets to be way more fun than the work part and pretty soon the work part starts to feel like pressure and I get anxious about what I'm NOT doing and then the resistance sets in and those ridiculously long bouts of freecell begin to occur.

I think in one of our projects somewhere along the line, it said that to start a new enterprise it requires about 3 hours of work a day on that one new thing. And where, I wonder, are those 3 hours going to come from? On the other hand, it doesn't have to be "all or nothing" I think a person could actually make good progress committing to just 1 hour a day... even 20 minutes (depending on what it is you want to accomplish).

And what do you guys think? Are you already hard at work? Are you working so hard at spinning your wheels that you aren't getting anywhere? Or maybe you're stuck in TV land, or Facebook world, or Majong mania? How does one find a balance? Driven committed people get a lot done - yes - but do you really want to be one of them? Are you one already? Speak to me people! I'm really curious to know what your thoughts are on this one.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Here is something helpful, it's from our Science of Getting Rich project, and talks about "effective action."

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