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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Self-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.

Here is secret #5:

CREATE A MASTERMIND GROUP. Have a regular meeting with others who are committed to building great lives. Share what you're up to and support each other.

Notes from Shirley:

I love masterminding. The very first prosperity project was held monthly here in the KC area, and it was centered around a mastermind followed by some sort of creative exercise in prosperity. We had a really great group and it was so powerful. Eventually we each went our separate ways - and I'd love to get something like that started again!

We did a 30 day mastermind here at the Prosperity Project, and if you're interested, or want to refresh your memory, you can take a look at our 30 day Mastermind and our mastermind script. You might also want to read about how the mastermind process works, and what the general guidelines are. I also found, and posted a short history of mastermind groups.

The secret to a good mastermind group is to have one person who is in charge of keeping it moving so that it doesn't turn into a 3 hour blab session. And the second thing that is really helpful is to have rules and guidelines for your group, make a a print out of these "rules" and read them aloud as a group or individually before each session.

So, what do you think, guys? Is this something you think you might do? If you do decide to create a mastermind group, I'd love it if you'd post a little bit about it here. Your insights and input may be invaluable to someone who is just playing around with the idea but not really acting on it.


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