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Get Funding

Monday, February 07, 2011

Here's something cool and interesting. It's, a website dedicated to online fundraising. Here's what they say about themselves:

Our mission is to provide tools for people to help people anywhere in the World. Allows for people to create fundraising pages with the ability to raise and collect funds for any worthwhile cause or challenge. This is what we call your Quest!!!.
Got a worthwhile cause? A Quest to do?. Create your very own fundraising page that will help you raise the funds you need to achieve your goal or Quest. Quest can be any cause, Task or Challenge that you are about to do and want to raise funds for it. examples:

  • Raise Money for Diabetes
  • Wedding Cash Registry
  • Raising Funds for a Charity
  • Running a Marathon for a Worthwhile cause.
  • Rasing Funds for a Friend in Need
  • A personal project
  • Sailing around the world to raise funds
  • Raising Funds for your School
  • Any Cause can be your Quest

Members can then securely collect donations from sponsors and friends. Members can also through their pages upload pictures and videos to show their Quest progress.

Transactions are Securely processed by All donations go straight to your Paypal account. GoQuest does not keep a cent.

At end of your Quest. GoQuest will request a 5% of total collected for administration fee. Totals of less than $100 are totally free of adminstration fee.


  • Join In
  • Create Your Own Fundraising Pag
  • Link it to your Paypal account
  • Tell your friends about your Quest.
  • Email Page Link or Share page through Facebook, Twitter etc
  • Friends Donate to your Quest
  • Funds raised go straight to your Paypal account.
  • Total collected shows on your fundraising page
  • Update Page. Upload Pictures or Videos of your Quest
  • That's it. Easy

Interestingly, I think I am the very first person to join their site! How fun is that? I think I'm going to actually try it out. Now all I have to do is figure how what or who I want to raise money for, take some pictures, and see what happens.

And for those of you who remain interested in the Praying For Prosperity project, Here's A Concept.


Cindy H said...

Wow, that is an interesting website. Maybe you can create a money drive for yourself, maybe for fixing your burnt siding on your house. You could post pictures of it and say you are raising money to fix/replace it. Did you know there is a website where women who want boob jobs can go on there and guys will actually donate to pay for them? I would much rather donate to somebody wanting to fix their house or pay their bills! Maybe I should start a "get out of collections" drive for myself? What do you guys think?

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I like it Cindy A "Get out of collections Fund Raiser!" Great idea.

And yes, I think I'm going to do the siding thing - I just have to get out there and take some pictures... etc. How can it hurt?

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