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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Spiritually, what would you like to manifest in your life?


Anonymous said...

Spiritually I am feeling rather ambitious. I want it all. I want to be completely at one with what some people call the "Christ Conciousness." To feel real and lasting deep inner peace. To be able to manifest into my life the abundance of the universe through my intentions, my power of creation. To know who I am, what am I doing here and why.

Anonymous said...

What I want is to get really grounded in a daily spiritual practice. I want to be centered in the now. I want to be in the flow - to be awake and aware and in the flow of the All That Is... Universal Life Force Energy... Creator Spirit... Grandfather..

I want to be fully present, balanced, grounded, and awake.

Cindy H said...

Spiritially, I, too, want to be centered, grounded and aware of all that the universe has to provide. I want to be more connected to the earth, the moon, and the planets, more aware of their movements and their effects on the earth and me. I want to live each and every day with total peace and happiness, knowing that I am enjoying each precious minute that I'm on this earth to the fullest.

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