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An Angel Sets You Free

Friday, October 24, 2008


In this lovely 10-minute meditation, from Carrie Hart, an angel takes from your heart your burdens of unforgiveness, anger, sadness, fear and doubt, and transmutes them into a gentle rain of love. You are left glowing and free, ready to do and be anything, utterly fearless and confident, shining and bright with love.

Download the 10-minute Meditation
(right click the above link and save the MP3 to your computer)

If you'd rather not download the audio version, here is a transcript of the meditation. Enjoy!

An Angel Sets You Free (a Meditation) by Carrie Hart

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and then out. And another in and then out. And yet another, in and then out. And now, just relax as we ask an angel to come to you and set you free.

See her before you now, a beautiful angel floating in the air, her fluttering wings outspread, a bright golden glow about her head and emanating from her entire body. She is aglow with love, with caring and affection for you.

First, she reaches into a little bag of golden silk and pulls out a handful of sparkling angel dust that she now tosses over you. It falls down upon you, but instead of clinging to your skin, it becomes a band of energy, bright and glowing, around you. This golden glow is clearing the field around you, purifying it, removing any residue of doubt or fear that has been clinging to you.

And now, she pauses and looks deep into your eyes, asking permission. Nod your head yes: Yes, you grant her permission to look into your heart.

She touches you lightly over your heart and your heart opens wide to her view. And as she looks within, you find that you can see it as well.

First, see that your heart is glowing golden. It is made of love. It is a great treasure within you, the place where the light and love are stored. It is glowing and golden but it is also soft and pliable, able to change and adapt as life requires.

But here and there within your heart are some stones you have picked up along the way, things that happened to you, things you considered sad or bad at the time, and you stored them in your heart. At the time these things happened to you, you were unable to just let them be or to examine them and allow them to dissolve, and so you stored them away, hoping that they would not exist in your life any longer.

But yet here they are, stones that you carry in your bright and glowing heart, weighing it down, making it less soft and pliable than it could be. Stones that block some of the bright love from glowing and flowing. Stones that you must carry every day, even though you are not even aware that they are there.

Look at the stones now. There are stones of unforgiveness, bitter and sharp. There are stones of sadness, each a heavy weight your heart must carry. There are stones of anger, hot and smoldering; stones of fear, like chunks of ice that keep the warmth of love from spreading easily; and many pebbles of doubt, which add up to a heavy weight indeed.

The angel now looks again deeply into your eyes. She is asking you a question. Are you ready to free your heart of these burdens? Are you ready to let all of this leave your life? Are you ready to forgive yourself and others, to let go of the anger and bitterness and disappointment? Are you ready to let go even of the doubts about yourself? Are you ready to free yourself of fear?

Nod your head yes: Yes, you are ready.

And now the angel opens wide her silken bag. She reaches into your heart and removes the stones one by one, taking them from your heart and placing them in the bag. One by one, they come out of your heart. And with each one that is removed, you can feel your heart growing lighter and lighter. All the regrets are taken out. All the fears of the future. All the doubts about what you can accomplish. All the anger and frustration, all the disappointment, all of this is removed.

Feel your heart growing lighter and lighter. Feel yourself growing freer and freer. Feel what it is like to let your heart glow as brightly as it can, unencumbered by these burdens it has been carrying. You do not need them any more.

And as your heart glows more brightly, that glow spreads throughout your body. And your body, now exposed to this bright glow of inner love, finds that it no longer needs the habits and addictions that it has been using to shield it from the energy of the stones. Your entire body now feels light and free, bright and glowing.

And the angel looks at you and smiles. Then she closes her silken bag and flies up to the heavens, where she holds the bag to the light. And as you watch, in a great golden burst of light, the stones are all transmuted into love, love bright and golden. And a gentle shower of love begins to fall down upon you, golden drops shimmering in the sky and falling down upon you, pouring over you, covering you in sweet love.

And this you are. Love. Love glowing in your heart. Love glowing in your body. Love shimmering all around you. Purified and clean, glowing and golden, you are.

And all of the possibilities of this precious life are glowing and shimmering around you as well. You can do and be anything. You are utterly fearless and confident. You are completely unburdened with the past. You are in this moment only, shining and bright, feeling and being love, knowing yourself as love and only love.

It is a new day and a new life. You are born anew in love and the world lies open before you. Step into it and embrace it now, right now. You are this sparkling wonder of love. You are.


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