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What are Angels?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Angels are the governing intelligences behind everything in Creation, from the stars and galaxies down to the most mundane of human activities. There are great truths to be found even in apparent trivialities. The desire to do something well, whatever it is, is what gives us our grace. If we can love where we are, love whom we’re with, and love what we are doing, then we are blessed, and so is everything around us.



Shirley Twofeathers said...

I love this quote... I have decided to make it my mantra for my new job. I'm going to do the best that I can do, I'm going to really open my heart and pour love out on my daughter, my friend/boss, the clients, and the dogs... I'm going to each morning remind myself about that "state of grace" and how to be in it... And I'm going to take angels with me to Heavenly Pets every day. I'm going to think of it as my spiritual practice - and see where that concept takes me...

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