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What Man Receives From the Order of the Angels

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm not sure what all this actually means, but if you are really really interested in Angels, and want to delve deeply into metaphysical meanings etc, you might find this helpful.


Man becomes strengthened with wonderful power through the order of angels, so that he declares the divine will. From the:

  • Seraphim - that we cling with fervent love.
  • Cherubim - enlightenment of the mind, power and wisdom over the exalted figures and images, through which we can gaze upon divine things, etc.
  • Thronis - a knowledge of how we are made and constituted, that we may direct our thoughts upon eternal things.
  • Dominationbius - assistance to bring into subjection our daily enemies, whom we carry with us constantly, and enabling us to attain salvation.
  • Potestatibus - protection against human enemies of life.
  • Virtutibus - God infuses strength into us, enabling us to contend against the enemies of truth and reward, that we may finish the course of our natural life.
  • Principatibus - that all things become subject to man, that he may grasp all power, and draw unto himself all secret and supernatural knowledge.
  • Archangelis - that he may rule over all things that God has made subject to him, over the animals of the field, over the fishes of the sea, and over the birds of the air.
  • Angelis - he receives the power to be the messenger of the Divine will.

source: The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, pg. 135


Anonymous said...

I love the artwork and wish Angels had names that were easier to try and pronounce. Why can't there be an Angel Joe? I think I would relate alot more if it didn't so hard to remember. Perhaps because it was taken from old text and people thought back then that to be beleived and respected it had to be frilly or complicated? Just my guess.
Oh, wow that sounds like I didn't enjoy this and I really did! Just my thoughts that popped into my head.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hi Karla - yes, I think this was taken from an older text... and all those scholarly definitions!! Yowsers!! They lost me on Dominationbius ... so much scholarly lore... on something that is probably quite simple.

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