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Change Your Thinking - Project Overview

Thursday, December 18, 2008

“Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.”

Here is an overview of our Change your thinking - Change your life project. This post provides links to pertinent aspects of this project, so that you won't have to sift through the archives. If you are curious about our results, you can read the feedback posted here. You might also be interested in How We Turned It Around - a complete listing of the affirmations and and positive thoughts we created as we worked the project.

If you would like to try this project for yourself, you could start on Day One - My money and then continue on through the last day - Today is. Or, you could browse through the posts and work the project in no particular order.

This is an active blog, and if you post, we will notice and reply.. and give you the benefit of our own experience and our support if it seems pertinent or appropriate. Feel free to post your thoughts, ideas, results, joys and disappointments as you go. Even though we love you, comment spam is deleted when discovered, and anonymous posting is discouraged. You will find complete listing of the day by day links at the bottom of this post.

Individual comments and feedback on this particular project can be read here: So... we finished the project! . We do have a recommended reading list if you are interested in expanding your understanding. I don't know how up to date it is, but there are a lot of really good books listed. Feel free to add titles and authors that you would recommend. As promised, here is the complete listing of all the posts for our Change Your Thinking - Change Your Life project:

  1. Change your thinking - Change your life
  2. I work because
  3. When my bills come
  4. Opportunities are
  5. My checkbook is
  6. When I look at my life
  7. I have
  8. I am here to
  9. My biggest problem is
  10. My job
  11. I owe money because
  12. I always think
  13. My money is my
  14. There is enough
  15. I am
  16. My day begins with
  17. When I am at work
  18. My money
  19. Something Fun!
  20. Money because
  21. When I buy
  22. Financial gardening
  23. I always get
  24. Out of what?
  25. Everything is
  26. I wake up to
  27. I am rich in
  28. Yesterday was
  29. Extreme Success
  30. Today is
  31. So... we finished the project!
  32. How We Turned It Around

Wow! It's a new day!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

While we wait for me to wrap this project up, here is a really nifty quote culled from the comments this time around. It's what Karla wrote about how she starts her day. What do you think would happen if we at least tried to get out of bed with an attitude like this?


My days start with anticipation. It's like someone has left this beautiful package on my dining room table and I anxiously hop out of bed, rushing out to see what gifts will be given to me each morning. What will I do? Who will I see? Where will I go? Who will I talk to, hug, laugh with? Wow, how blessed am I to have these presents given to me each and every day when I wake up? No wonder I don't need an alarm! It's like Christmas! Perhaps it's part of having a nosy and curious nature! Investigating each new day!

How We Turned It Around

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

During the course of this project we wrote some really great affirmations. Just reading them will give your day a lift. Enjoy!


  • Money is fun to get.
  • Money is easy.
  • My money hides in my purse and then pops up whenever I need it!
  • My money is very well trained, it always comes when I call for it.
  • My money likes to hide in my pockets so that it can be there when I need it.
  • My money is ABUNDANT!!
  • I work because I want to.
  • I work because I want to, and I work because I like to.
  • I work because it's fun!
  • When my bills come I pay them.
  • When my bills come I pay them with JOY!!!
  • Opportunities are endless.
  • Every day is an opportunity to change the rest of my life.
  • Opportunities are abundance hidden in marvelously wrapped little packages of mystery and surprises, waiting to be opened!
  • Accidents are opportunities that have been waiting to happen.
  • When my bills come, I pay what I can and give the rest to God.
  • My checkbook is "FULL OF $$$ AND BALANCED TO THE PENNY!"
  • I know that if I keep following my heart the universe will take care of me.
  • My checkbook is always ready for action!
  • Dream on.
  • My checkbook is my friend.
  • I have wealth because I love.
  • I have Love, because I Am Love
  • When I look at my life, I see Love and Beauty
  • When I look at my life, I see "EXCITEMENT AND ADVENTURE"
  • When I look at my life, I see "LOVE AND HAPPINESS"
  • When I look at my life, I see hope and light. A bit of a surprise and a delight,
  • I am making the right decisions now in the moment.
  • When I look at my Life, I see peace and gratitude.
  • I'm present in the moment most of the time, and I never forget to count my blessings!
  • When I look at my Life, I see happiness and healing.
  • My checkbook is full of money!
  • Opportunities are Rising up ALL OVER THE PLACE!
  • I Am Free of Lack and Limitations!
  • I rise above all obstacles.
  • I Am a Free Spirit, boundless, unlimited, Free, abundant!
  • I have friends because I give love.
  • I have a good life because I will it to be so.
  • When I look at my life I see my life and I see myself and I like who I am.
  • I am here to heal.
  • I Am here to bring change to the world!
  • I Am here to bring POSITIVE Change to the world!
  • I AM HERE "To love others"
  • "I have love because I have a cat sitting right in front of my computer screen!"
  • "I have an abundance of money because I deserve it."
  • "I like my job because I get a paycheck."
  • "I like my job because I could be doing other things that are far more difficult or disgusting, like working in a sewer or cleaning port-a-potties."
  • "I LOVE my job because I am blessed to be employed while times are so tough and my employers are very kind and have good hearts."
  • I love my job because I work with friends and we have fun.
  • I love my job because it feels good to work hard.
  • I love my job because my employer values people over money.
  • I always think I need more cash but what I really need is more FREEDOM to do things that feed my spirit.
  • I always think I need more money, but what I really want is more faith.
  • My money is my friend.
  • I love and accept money unconditionally!
  • Money is a PART of my life and there is plenty of it in my life
  • There is always more than enough money for me!
  • I always think I need more time, but what I really want is more energy.
  • I always think I need more money, but what I really want is more time.
  • I always think I need more food but what I really want is more comfort.
  • I always think I need more peace but what I really want is more excitement and drama!!!
  • I always think I need more time, or money, or energy, or comfort, or stuff, or guidance, or knowledge... but what I really want is to know that everything is going to be OK.
  • I am happy
  • There is SELDOM, enough TIME IN THE DAY to enjoy all there is for me to enjoy!
  • There is ALWAYS enough LOVE for me.
  • I am blessed!!
  • I am part of something really big and really wonderful.
  • When I am at work, I feel like it's important to do the very best I can. I may not be thrilled all the time about what I'm doing, but I can at least give it my all, no matter how small the task.
  • My goal today is to listen to my inner voice and be patient with the fear, it too shall pass.
  • When I am at work, I feel loved and appreciated... I feel supported and understood... I feel important and needed...
  • Our Money is endless, as together we share in the common bond of Abundance which flows through the World of Love, and as we accept our rightful place in this New World, our abundance grows *expectedly* when we consider it as One, and not as something that is separate from Source!!
  • My money is not mine.
  • My money is NOT the enemy!
  • My money is not stupid!!
  • My money is not lost!!
  • My money is not disappearing!
  • My money is not the only money I'll ever get!
  • I love my money because I use it to improve my life and I like to spend it.
  • I have money because I want it and I deserve it.
  • I enjoy money because I like the freedom from worry it can bring and I love to use it to make others happy.
  • I love money because I get to do fun things with it and I am free to choose
  • I'm grateful for the endless giving from the One.
  • I love money because I know where it comes from and I'm in awe of My Love's boundlessness.
  • "I always get lucky"
  • "I always get what I need"
  • My totally blessed and abundant life is out of this world!
  • Everything is copacetic!
  • Everything is fine, excellent, going just right.
  • I wake up to the sound of music in my heart!
  • Everything is its own waayyyy..
  • I wake up to beauty.
  • I am rich in substance and talent. In my wildest ways I am amazed by that.I truly feel gifted by the statement and will love to honor every bit of it.
  • I am rich in love and friendship!
  • Bankruptcy is not a failure - it's a forgiveness!
  • Everything is going to be OK...
  • I wake up to today!
  • Tomorrow will be better. I know this because I will it to be so.
  • I am rich in ideas!
  • I am extremely successful when my time is my own.
  • I feel so happy when I get to do and decide what I want to do in every moment.
  • We are amazing beings...I am in awe.
  • Today is the best day of my life.

So... we finished the project!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


It's time now to come together and comment on how this project "worked" for you. Did you enjoy it? Was it helpful? Did you learn anything about yourself? Did you have an "aha" moment?

Here's a little teaser to get you started:

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

I did the prosperity project this time around and ___________.

It occured to me that our "turn arounds" might make an interesting list, so, over the next few days, I'll be going back through our responses. I should have that post ready in a day or two. We did have some great participation this time, and I'm really curious to know what sort of an effect this particular project may have had for each of you. Your comments - positive as well as negative - would be greatly appreciated.

Today is

Monday, December 08, 2008

woodland encounter

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

Today is the ___________ day of my life.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

Extreme Success

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

I am an extremely successful ___________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

Yesterday was

Saturday, December 06, 2008

simpsons aka escher

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

Yesterday was ___________.
Today is ___________.
Tomorrow will be ___________.
I know this because _____________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

I am rich in

Friday, December 05, 2008

AbsolutSearch 82
Can you find the 82 bottle shapes hidden in this picture? View full size

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

I am rich in ___________ and ______________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

I wake up to

Thursday, December 04, 2008

rippled surface Escher

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

I wake up to ___________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

Everything is

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Magic Mirror

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

Everything is ___________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

Out of what?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

art illusion woman or hand

Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

___________ is out of ____________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

I always get

Monday, December 01, 2008


Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

I always get ___________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something uncomfortable about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.

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