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Sunday, May 24, 2009

No, this isn't a post about keeping your house clean. I suppose I could post about that - but if I did, that would mean that I'd have to get started cleaning my own. On the other hand, if your desk looks like the one in the picture - you might want to consider doing just a wee bit of cleaning, maybe throw just one thing away! Or maybe two?


What I actually meant by "housekeeping" is that this is a post about the issues some of us have been having with the comment box. I think I have succeeded in a temporary fix. I have no way to know for sure because I haven't had any trouble leaving comments, so I can't test it. I'd love it if those of you who have had problems would post a quick comment and if it still doesn't work, email me to let me know.

Have a great holiday weekend!


Karla said...

How on earth did you sneak into my house to photograph my husband's office?

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Oh, was that YOUR house I was in??

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