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Inner Peace

Thursday, May 28, 2009

There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. The criterion is: Have they brought you inner peace? If they have not, there is something wrong with them, so keep seeking!

~Peace Pilgrim


As I work my way through this project, it occurs to me that many of my energy drains were created in the moment when I chose chaos or suffering or avoidance or anger or procrastination or potato chips and beer over inner peace. When I look at the results of my actions, I find that inner peace must be at the bottom of my "to do" list and "overwhelmed" must be at the top.

So, I guess I'm wondering, what can I do - what small thing can I do in this moment, right now, that will bring peace instead of chaos, comfort instead of suffering, nourishment instead of deprivation, rest instead of weariness. And the answer is....

"Take a nice long hot shower and then go to bed."

I wonder if I'll do it... The other voices in my head are screaming WATCH A MOVIE, DRINK A BEER, EAT SOME CHIPS, PLAY THE SIMS!! Who will win out? I'll let you know tomorrow.

What about you? Where do your choices tend to lead you? What could you chose, in this moment, that might bring some small portion of inner peace? What will you actually do?


Cindy H said...

What could I do: Go to the Y and work out and get in the steam room. What will I do? Probably take a nap!

I'll let you know which one I do!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Ok so here's what I did. I took a shower and went to bed. Then, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't done my laundry yet, and had no clean clothes for work tomorrow. So I got up and started a load of laundry. Then I went back to bed and suddenly remembered that my cell phone, which is also my alarm clock was deader than a doornail, so I got up, plugged it into the charger and went back to bed. Then I realized that the cell phone was OFF, so I waited around for it to charge enough to be turned on, and then I went back to bed. Then I suddenly remembered that the clothes in the washing machine would still have to go into the dryer...


Finally, I did eventually go to bed and stay there!

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