What is draining the life out of your life? It is time to stop avoiding the things that drain your energy.
Just for today, right now, figure out what is your biggest energy drain. Don’t start a laundry list of heavy, hard problems. Start with the one thing that comes up first, most often…
Are you stuck? Are there too many? That’s okay too. Just take one thing today and do something about it.
Give that problem some energy – not mental wrangling, but real life doing, and maybe even a little love. Is this a chore you just don’t want to face? Don’t face it all at once. Make a finite commitment, one minute, five minutes, an hour, and do what you can do about it right now. Make a phone call to get the ball rolling; roll up your sleeves and make a battle plan and tackle the things you can do.
Of course if you have problems that are draining your energy, you may not be able to fix them all at once. But it is the act of doing something that frees up the psychic energy, gives you a bit of breathing room to live your life just for today, because you have done something about it.
Take ten minutes, or whatever time you have. Set the timer if it makes you feel more secure – more sure you won’t drown in the problem, more sure it won’t eat up your whole day - close your eyes, plug your nose and jump! Make a start. And then, for the rest of the day, don’t let it drain you of another ounce of energy. Don’t let yourself wrestle with it in the cyberspace of your mind. Let it go for today – you have worked on it!
Lives are snowflakes
“Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one
another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I
mean, real...
Okay so two immediately came to mind: my job and my partner. My partner is a drain I can not figure out what to do about. So I moved on to the job. One thing I can do is work on my resume and put it out there for the universe to put something new in my path. So Mote It Be!
My two big drains that came to mind are my intractible back pain, which I obviously can't do too much about, and my aversion to paying the bills. I spend more time worrying about them and thinking about them than I do sitting down and getting them paid. I don't know why I procrastinate the way I do. I keep saying that as soon as my check comes, I need to IMMEDIATELY sit down and get everything paid....then this happens and that happens and I put it off and put it off...then it has become more of a problem because things are late and I have spent money I shouldn't have. I'm going to try harder to buckle down and get it done!
for Cindy,
the aversion to pay the bills even the money is there,is well kwown to me.took me a while to figure that one out.I became aware of the hidden fear behind it,"if I pay the bills now i might not have enough to the end of the month,or,worth-you never when the next load of money is coming!".It really is blocking the flow,and it creates the shortage we are trying to avoid.What helpes me is the discipline to start my day in prayer before I go about day's buisness.It becomes the foundation of your flow of abundance,one day at a time.You might like the book "Life and teachings of the masters of the Far East by Baird t.spalding.
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