What this can mean to you is at once exciting and earth-shaking. Chanting can change your blood composition and increase your alpha brain waves. Consequently, you increase your physical and mental performance because of the new peace you experience within. Meditative chanting clears on the psyche, so to speak, and permits new energies to flow through into your daily life. You can tap the vast reservoir of unused mental capacity by chanting.
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Power It Up
Monday, May 31, 2010What this can mean to you is at once exciting and earth-shaking. Chanting can change your blood composition and increase your alpha brain waves. Consequently, you increase your physical and mental performance because of the new peace you experience within. Meditative chanting clears on the psyche, so to speak, and permits new energies to flow through into your daily life. You can tap the vast reservoir of unused mental capacity by chanting.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
4 Power Chants For Improved Efficiency
Sunday, May 30, 2010fill my veins,
Stability, stability,
be my reins.
Give me peace,
give me power,
sharpen my wits,
heighten my capacity.
Ability, stability,
capability are mine this day.
I am restful,
peaceful, better and greater.
Creative thought emerges from within,
increases my powers,
lifts me up.
Rest, peace, efficiency,
mine to have,
mine to hold,
mine to use.
Competence, skill, ingenuity and talent,
give to me excellence, achievement, and success.
Fill me, lift me, imbue me, pervade me.
Competence, skill, ingenuity and talent,
be friendly and gracious to me this day.
Source: Saulat Khan
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: affirmations, Chanting For Prosperity
Benefits and Advantages of the Vajra Guru Mantra
Saturday, May 29, 2010Having uploaded a really long post about the Vajra Guru Mantra, it occured to me that it might be good to also upload a short overview. If you are interested, you can read the longer post, but if you just want to get to it, here's the short form:
If this mantra is recited a hundred times a day, merely a hundred times a day without interruption, one will become attractive to others and will effortlessly come by food and wealth and the necessities of life.
If one recites it a thousand or ten thousand times on a daily basis, one is able to literally overwhelm others with one's brilliance, in the sense of becoming very charismatic and influential in exerting a positive influence over others, and one will gain unhindered force of blessings and spiritual power.
If one repeats it a hundred thousand or a million times on a regular basis one will become capable of effecting an immeasurably great benefit for beings, exactly as one would wish to.
If one recites the mantra three or seven million times, one is never separate from the buddhas of the three times and one becomes inseparable from me. All the gods and demons of existence will attend to one and offer their praises.
If a physical form could demonstrate the benefit of even one recitation, the entire earth would not be sufficient to contain the merit. All sentient beings who see, hear, or remember this mantra will definitely be established in the ranks of the masculine and feminine awareness-holders.
Even if you are not able to recite the mantra for whatever reasons, you should mount it on the top of a victory banner, even when the wind touches it, and that wind touches sentient beings, it will free them without a doubt.
Alternately, you may inscribe it in clay or carve it in stone. This will also guard the path upon which these syllables are placed and guard that region from malevolent effects. You may also write this mantra out in gold ink on dark blue paper and wear it as an amulet.
When you die, if this amulet is burned with your corpse, rainbows will be seen and your consciousness will be transferred to the realms of Supreme Bliss. The benefits of writing out, reading or reciting this mantra defy any accurate measure and defy any standard measurement that could be applied. Having established this for the benefit of beings in the future, I am hiding this treasure. May it meet with a fortunate child of mine in the future who has good karma.
The Vajra Guru mantra is not just a single essence mantra, it is the very essence or life force of all the deities of the four classes of tantra, of all the nine yanas, and all of the 84,000 collections of dharma teachings. The essence of all of the buddhas of the three times, all of the gurus, yidams, dakas, and dakinis, dharma protectors, etc., the essence of all of these is contained and is complete within this mantra.
And here's the chant on video, 108 repitions. I think it makes for a great meditation video for this project. All you have to do is chant along and you've done your mantra, chanting practice for the day, and it took less than 10 minutes.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, Hinduism, mantra, meditation
Vajra Guru Mantra - The Complete Story
The Syllable by Syllable Commentary In the most excellent cases, individuals will attain the rainbow body, and the final level of attainment in this lifetime. On a more middling level, at the moment of death, the mother and child aspects of radiant luminosity will meet. At the very least, individuals will behold my face in the bardo state and all the appearances of the bardo state will be free in their own ground such that these individuals will be reborn on the continent of Ngayab and from that vantage point, be able to accomplish an immeasurable amount of benefit to beings. Thus the Guru replied to Yeshe Tsogyal.
Explaining the Benefits and Advantages of the Vajra Guru Mantra
By the great tertön Karma Lingpa (14th century)
The Vajra Guru Mantra is the mantra associated with Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava. This is a draft translation of a treasure text which explains the Vajra Guru Mantra. It was originally concealed during the time of Padmasambhava in Tibet and later rediscovered by Karma Lingpa (14th century) who brought it forth from its place of concealment and copied it down on reams of gold. It is simply known as "The Syllable by Syllable Commentary Explaining the Benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra." It begins with an invocation and then goes into a dialogue between Yeshe Tsogyal, the spiritual consort of Padmasambhava, and Padmasambhava himself.And so, Yeshe Tsogyal begins:
I, the woman Yeshe Tsogyal, having offered to you the inner and outer mandala on a vast scale, have the following request. Oh great teacher, Pema Jungne, you have been extremely kind to us, the Tibetan people, leaving for us a legacy that will benefit us now and in future lives. Your kindness is so great that we have never experienced anything like this before, nor will we ever experience anything like this in the future. In particular, so that now even though I am a humble person, I have no doubt that I will attain enlightenment.
In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war. Because of the spread of these three calamities, in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will experience the same kind of turmoil as an ant's nest when it is destroyed, and the time will come for the people of Tibet to suffer greatly.
Though you have spoken at length of many skillful means to salvage what is possible from that situation, sentient beings in the future will not have the time to practice. Even though they may have some slight inclination to practice, they will encounter many great obstacles. Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will be very difficult to avert. That being the case, what kinds of benefits and advantages would there be for those beings in the future were they to rely solely upon the Vajra Guru Mantra as their practice? I ask you to relate this for the benefit of individuals in the future who are not able to perceive this and therefore have to have it explained to them.
Then the great master, Pema Jungne replied:
Oh faithful lady, what you have said is so very true. In the future, such times will befall sentient beings and both in a temporary and in a long term sense, the benefits of the Vajra Guru mantra can be definitely be felt. Since my spiritual instructions and the methods of practice that I offer are immeasurable, I have hidden a great number of treasure teachings in the water, rocks, the sky and so forth. In these evil times, even individuals with fortunate karma will find it difficult to encounter these teachings. It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances for these teachings to be revealed. This is a sign that the collective merit of beings is on the wane.
However, at such times, if this essence mantra, the Vajra Guru mantra, is repeated as much as possible, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million, ten million, a hundred million times and so forth, if it is repeated in holy places, in temples, next to great rivers, in areas where gods and demons abound, if it is recited in these places by tantric practitioners with pure samaya, by people with monastic ordination who maintain their vows purely, by men and women who possess faith in the teachings, if they give rise to bodhicitta on a grand scale and recite this mantra, then the benefits and advantages and energy of such practice are truly inconceivable.
This will avert all of the negative forces of disease, famine, unrest, bad harvests and all bad omens and indications in all the countries of the world, such that the rain will fall in a timely manner for the crops so there will always be a plentiful supply of water for agriculture and for human and animal life, and all regions and areas will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions.
In this life, in future lives, and in the intermediate state between death and rebirth, these individuals who practice in this way will meet with me again and again. The very best of these individuals will actually meet me in their waking consciousness. Those of middling degree of attainment will meet with me again and again in their dreams. Gradually perfecting the different paths and levels of their practice, they will attain to the ranks of the masculine and feminine holders of intrinsic awareness in my pure land in the continent of Ngayab. Have no doubt of this.
She responded by saying:
Oh great master, it is extremely kind of you to have spoken of these vast and immeasurable advantages of the spiritual energy of this mantra. For the benefit of sentient beings in the future however, a detailed explanation would be of enormous benefit, and so I would ask you to speak in a brief way about the different syllables of this mantra.
To which the great master replied:
O daughter of good family, the Vajra Guru mantra is not just my single essence mantra, it is the very essence or life force of all the deities of the four classes of tantra, of all the nine yanas, and all of the 84,000 collections of dharma teachings. The essence of all of the buddhas of the three times, all of the gurus, yidams, dakas, and dakinis, dharma protectors, etc., the essence of all of these is contained and is complete within this mantra.
How, you may ask, does this work? What is the reason for all these being complete with this mantra? Listen well and hold this in mind. Read it again and again. Write it out for the benefit of sentient beings, and teach it or demonstrate it to beings in the future.
OM AH HUNG are the sublime, essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech, and mind
VAJRA is the sublime essence of the indestructible family
GURU is the sublime essence of the jewel family
PEMA is the sublime essence of the lotus family
SIDDHI is the sublime essence of the activity family
HUNG is the sublime essence of the transcendent family

OM is the perfect splendor and richness of sambhoghakaya
AH is the total unchanging perfection of dharmakaya, the manifest body of absolute reality
HUNG perfects the presence of Guru Padmasambhava as the nirmanakaya, the manifest body of emanation
VAJRA perfects all the heruka deities of the mandalas
GURU refers to the root and transmission gurus and the holders of intrinsic awareness
PEMA perfects the assembly of dakas and dakinis
SIDDHI is the life force of all the wealth deities and the guardians of the treasure teachings
HUNG is the life force of the dharmapalas, the protective deities

OM AH HUNG are the life force of the three classes of tantra
VAJRA is the life force of the monastic discipline and the sutra class of teachings
GURU is the life force of abhidharma and kriya (action) yoga, the first level of tantra
PEMA is the life force of the charya (conduct) yoga, the second class of tantra, and yoga (joining) tantra, the third class of tantra
SIDDHI is the life force of the mahayoga and anuyoga classes of teachings
HUNG is the life force of the ati yoga, the Natural Great Perfection (Dzogchen)

OM AH HUNG purify obscurations arising from the three mental poisons: desire/attachment, aversion, and ignorance
VAJRA purifies obscurations which stem from anger
GURU purifies obscurations which stem from pride
PEMA purifies obscurations which stem from desire/attachment
SIDDHI purifies obscurations which stem from envy/jealousy
HUNG in a general way purifies obscurations which stem from all emotional afflictions

Through OM AH HUNG one attains the three kayas
Through VAJRA one realizes mirror-like pristine awareness
Through GURU one realizes the pristine awareness of equalness
Through PEMA one realizes the pristine awareness of discernment
Through SIDDHI one realizes the all-accomplishing pristine awareness
Through HUNG one realizes the pristine awareness of basic space

Through OM AH HUNG gods, demons, and humans are subdued
Through VAJRA one gains power over malevolent forces of certain gods and demons
Through GURU one gains control over the malevolent forces of the Lord of Death and the cannibal demons
Through PEMA one gains control over the malevolent influences of the water and wind elements
Through SIDDHI one gains control over the malevolent influences of non-human forces and spirits bringing harm and exerting negative control over one's life
Through HUNG one gains control of the malevolent influences of planetary configurations and earth spirits

OM AH HUNG accomplishes the six spiritual virtues
VAJRA accomplishes pacifying activity
GURU accomplishes enriching activity
PEMA accomplishes magnetizing activity
SIDDHI accomplishes enlightened activity in general
HUNG accomplishes wrathful enlightened activity

OM AH HUNG avert all imprecations and curses
VAJRA averts the negative consequences of breaking one's samaya with the deities of pristine awareness
GURU averts the negative influences of the eight classes of gods and demons in samsara
PEMA averts the negative influences of nagas and earth spirits
HUNG averts the negative influences of gods, demons, humans, samsaric gods

OM AH HUNG defeats the army of the five mental poisons
VAJRA defeats anger
GURU defeats pride
PEMA defeats desire/attachment
SIDDHI defeats envy and jealousy
HUNG defeats the armies of gods, demons and humans

OM AH HUNG brings about the spiritual accomplishments or siddhis
VAJRA brings about the siddhi of peaceful and wrathful deities
GURU brings about the siddhi of the awareness-holders and the lineage gurus
PEMA brings about the siddhi of the dakas and dakinis and dharma protectors
SIDDHI brings about the mundane and supreme siddhis
HUNG brings about the siddhi of accomplishing whatever one wishes

OM AH HUNG transfers consciousness to the pure realms of experience
VAJRA transfers consciousness to the eastern pure realm of Manifest Joy
GURU transfers consciousness to the southern pure realm of Glory & Splendor
PEMA transfers consciousness to the western pure realm of Great Bliss
SIDDHI transfers consciousness to the northern pure realm of Excellent Activity
HUNG transfers consciousness to the central pure realm of Unwavering
If a physical form could demonstrate the benefit of even one recitation of
OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG, the entire earth would not be sufficient to contain the merit. All sentient beings who see, hear, or remember this mantra will definitely be established in the ranks of the masculine and feminine awareness-holders.
If it is the case that these words of truth of the Vajra Guru mantra do not accomplish for sentient beings what they wish to accomplish just as I have promised, then I Pema Jungne, am truly deceiving sentient beings. But I have not deceived you, so you should practice according to my instructions.
Even if you are not able to recite the mantra for whatever reasons, you should mount it on the top of a victory banner, even when the wind touches it, and that wind touches sentient beings, it will free them without a doubt. Alternately, you may inscribe it in clay or carve it in stone. This will also guard the path upon which these syllables are placed and guard that region from malevolent effects.
You may also write this mantra out in gold ink on dark blue paper and wear it as an amulet. When you die, if this amulet is burned with your corpse, rainbows will be seen and your consciousness will be transferred to the realms of Supreme Bliss. The benefits of writing out, reading or reciting this mantra defy any accurate measure and defy any standard measurement that could be applied. Having established this for the benefit of beings in the future, I am hiding this treasure. May it meet with a fortunate child of mine in the future who has good karma.
Samaya. Sealed. Sealed. Sealed.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:28 AM 1 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, Hinduism, mantra
Ya Allaho
Friday, May 28, 2010I found this chant on forum at Linda Goodman. I don't usually post what I find on a forum, and yet, the results people said they had did seem promising. So here it is. I'm curious to see if anyone tries it or not. The forum conversation went like this:nev: Hi everyone, I went to this website and it showed me an easy way to make money just by chants. It said to just say these words when u are free:
YAA ALLAHO. Try and see the results
Christinaeavynwarner: How do you pronouce that word? And does it work?
nev: Well, I guess u have to pronounce the words as it is.
When I started chanting it, I got a grant of $1670 from my college, a week later. But I am not sure if it really works. But it is worth a try.
Randall: Interesting.
26taurus: I got some strange looks as I was chanting this today...
est_1984_leo: Weird. As soon as I chanted that yesterday, I got a job interview and I believe I start on Monday!
Nev: Great ...congrats man!
Nev: Hey 26taurus....you can chant that in your mind (i guess)..so that no one will think that u r some weirdo.
26taurus: That's cool nev. I get those looks anyway though. People already think I'm a weirdo (and I am), nothing I can do about that.
Actually I think you are supposed to say them outloud. My mother knew some guy who gave her some chants like this years ago, and you really must speak them out loud if I remember correctly. There is power in the spoken word. Thoughts too, but the spoken word is a little different and gives more energy I think. It's all about the "vibration" of the specific words from their sound I believe.
laglady: i'm curious about the pronunciation too.. is it yaa aa-laa-ho i'm pronouncing the a's like in la-dee-da.
nev: I think it is yaa-a-laa-ho
laglady: gotcha. I did chant it a bit yesterday, my 3 year old got a kick out of it and joined in
Christinaeavynwarner: I read in another thread that this might be Islamic Wicca...I have a friend who was an Islamic Wicca, and she said that it came with a bunch of rules and regulations and horrible punishments. Is there a bad side effect to this chant? Anywho, thanks for it! It's great fun to say, and I'll start getting my lil sisters to chant it...
ruman: For the pronounciation, it is YAA-AL-LAA-HO.
As for this being of Islamic "Wicca". It is just a chant that 100% muslims will chant after each prayer. All you need is faith to make any chant work, not just this one. And there are chants for just about everything in Islam that will either mean their God's name or their Prophet's name.
There are no regulations or horrible puishments, just be careful that you do not chant at places that are not clean( toilets for eg) and with a pure heart. the only rule I have ever known is "keep the chant in your mind and your aim in your heart". You need to speak them out loud but so much that only you can hear them.
marcia: Wow, thanks ruman
Christinaeavynwarner: Thanks Ruman. That's wonderful. I'm off to chant it now. Giggles...
ruman: My posts seem to be vanishing of late!!!
I wrote here that the pronounciation is YAA-AL-LAA-HO.
This is the first name af muslim god and the most beneficial one too! there are no horrible punishments except if you disgrace it and do not recite it at place that are not "pure" (for eg toilets). Do not write it and throw it or step on it.It is just like you would not disgrace any scriptures.
It should be recited loud enough only for you to hear it.
tuxedo meow: noone is really explaining the pronunciation! I have been chanting this today but do not know if the pronunciation is correct-I am saying it yah ah la ho-is that right?
sameesadiq: Yaa Al-lah Hoo.
tuxedo meow: Well, i use several ways to attract money, all of which give me some. When I use this chant I have "found" so far from $3.25 to $100! i usually find "change" but since using this chant I find more paper money-more often.
Gooober: i found twenty dollars today..for the 1st time in my life i found money!!! all for this chant..saying God's name! love n peace
1962Taurus: I did a search for YA_ALLA_HO http://www.duas.org/Misc/invocation.htm This might help out some
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:42 AM 4 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Magick Power Chants
Thursday, May 27, 2010The ancient art of using Power Chants comes to us from the mystical lands of India and Tibet. The Secret of the Power in Chants is that they enable you to bypass your doubting mind and allow you to reach the Miracle Powerhouse within: your sub-conscious mind. You possess within this Marvelous Inner Mind a tremendous mental and spiritual Power with which you can literally perform miracles in your own life. This remarkable Inner Power is what the Great Master Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, called the “Kingdom Within” He taught that you must first find this “Kingdom Within” and then All Other Things would be added onto you.
There are many ways of finding this “Kingdom Within” and one of them is by Repeating an Affirmation Chant over and over until the message of the chant is imprinted upon the Inner mind. Repeating an affirmation, though chanting, will lead the inner mind to the State of Consciousness where it Accepts as True that which you wish it to Believe. When this is accomplished the Powerful Inner Mind will cause to appear as a Reality in your life the things for which you asked in your Chant.
Your desires will appear as a Reality in your life without fail if you do not set up doubts in your Consciousness mind by Not Believing in the power of your Chant. You must be careful not to say aloud or to even think to yourself that your chant has no power or it will not work for you. Repeat your chants — Believing - morning and night, on a regular schedule and then relax in a state of anticipation. Do not worry about How your Good is to come to you. Just rest assured that your Power Inner Mind will answer your request in the Best Possible way for You.
Magick Chant For Money:“I invoke the Powerful Cosmic Guardians of all Worldly Goods and Abundance. I now identify myself with the Infinite Source Of Supply. I am One with the Abundance of the Universe. My “Inner” voice leads and guides me in my quest for Wealth and Prosperity. I am successful in all my undertakings and I am well Rewarded for all my efforts. I Declare that what is Mine will Claim me, Know me, Rush to me. I always have an Abundance of Money. There is a continuous movement toward me of Money. My Mystical Cone of Prosperity is Full and Runneth Over. I now Magnetize my Inner Mind with the thought that Money and Supply — All that I need — are now Mine”
“So Mote It BE”
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: affirmations, Chanting For Prosperity
Chanting Quiets The Mind
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The purpose of chanting is to quiet the mind and prepare it for meditation. As a means of accomplishing this monumental task chanting stands alone. As Yogananda put it, “chanting is half the battle.” If we practice chanting with the consciousness intention of going deep in meditation, it can take us very deep very quickly.
By first chanting out loud with lots of enthusiasm, the physical, mental, and emotional energies are engaged. As the chanting becomes quieter, we are drawn away from the outward perimeter of our consciousness into a more inward state of mind: Our many thoughts become drawn to a focus on the one thought of God, the body becomes still, the heart beats more slowly, the breath becomes nearly imperceptible — attention is focused at the spiritual eye.
As the chanting draws to a conclusion, the words and music have moved from being an external experience to an internal one; there is a dynamic stillness that can be tangibly felt. At this crucial moment, we have the opportunity to take the vibration set up by the chanting and dive deep into meditation.
Talking or physical movement of any kind can collapse the delicate vibration that has been set up by the music, destroying the subtle, but very real, effect that chanting has created. If we think of chanting as a part of meditation, and not as something that happens before the real meditation begins, it is easy to set the scene so that individuals meditating alone or groups of people meditating together can receive the full benefit.
Prayers, an introduction to the proceedings, even the double breathing and tensing and relaxing exercises can be done before the chanting begins so that [you] can go directly from chanting into the silence of meditation.
Source: Ananda.org
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, meditation
More On Mantras
Tuesday, May 25, 2010Mantras can be very helpful. If you find a mantra that you feel you can connect with, then you may benefit from repeating it over and over again. Saying mantras not only helps connect you with divinity, but it helps establish a connection with your own subconscious as well.
So what are mantras? Mantras are mystic words of power that help establish a connection with an individual and divinity. Verbal repetition of mantras helps to raise a person's vibration. Chanting a mantra will help you stay centered and focused on whatever goal(s) you're trying to pursue.
For instance, the mantra "Thiru Neela KanTam" is said to help clear out negative energy and karma. Concentrating on the throat chakra while chanting it will help clear out any bad karma that may be stuck inside of you or surrounding you. The throat chakra, after all, deals with karma and well being.
One of my own personal mantras often helps me to stay focused whenever I'm feeling down or upset. "Eratae a nu ola dominine". To make a long story short, this is my personal mantra that means (to me anyway) something like "The world is but a dream." Sometimes we all need reminders that suffering isn't infinite, but love is. Our suffering in this world will not last forever.
Another good mantra that many people are familiar with is "Shreem". Saying "Shreem" over and over again is said to help with prosperity and good fortune. I can attest to this; everytime I chant the mantra "Shreem", I see an increase in my prosperity.
Written by: M Deskins
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Make Up Your Own Mantra
Monday, May 24, 2010It's possible to create our own personal mantras. Personal mantras have special meaning to an individual. But how can you discover your own personal mantra? Chaos magicians, for instance, sometimes create and use verbal sigils.
To create a verbal sigil, or a mantra, you must write down what it is that you need help with. For instance, if you would like to find true love, write down "It is my will to find true love." Make sure you write only a positive statement, and use no negative words. Light some candles and meditate while rewriting that statement over and over again. After a few minutes, cut out all repeating letters and then make an anagram of sorts with the remaining letters.
Now make an anagram of sorts with these letters:
And there's your verbal sigil / mantra!
Continue meditating for a few minutes. Chant this mantra over and over again while visualizing yourself being happy with your one true love, whoever he/she may be. It may not help you instantly, but it will in time if you do everything right. Just follow your heart. Try to be as focused on your goal as possible while chanting your mantra.
The reason why you should make an anagram of your statement into a mantra that sounds like nonsense, is because it's *not supposed* to make sense, not to your conscious mind anyway. Mantras connect with unconscious minds. Your conscious mind should only be staying focused on and visualizing the outcome. By saying a mantra that only your subconscious can understand, you will bridge the gap between both parts of your mind together, thus taking you to a higher place.
So in summary, chanting mantras is a wonderful way to stay focused, positive, and happy. Get in touch with your higher self by learning about mantras!
Source: M Deskins
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Why We Chant
Sunday, May 23, 2010I found this nifty article at Ancient Huna, a website dedicated to the ancient shamanistic and healing arts of Hawaii. We chant because chanting opens up the heart, and makes it swell and expand. We chant because at the deepest level of the meaning of the chant there is a vibration that corresponds to the meaning, and chanting opens up the neurology to that vibration.
Once, someone asked Swami Muktananda (an Indian swami, and master teacher of meditation) why he chanted and taught chanting, and he said, "We chant because without the chant, the heart of a yogi becomes as dry as a leaf in the fall, and as brittle, too."
The theory of chanting in both the Hawaiian system and the Sanskrit system (in India) says that the sounds being chanted, the tonal patterns and the frequency of the vibration of the sounds, invoke in the neurology of the listener and also the chanter, the deepest spiritual essence of what is being spoken of in the chant. Remember listening to a song, and notice that each word has a certain vibration in addition to the tune. In a Hawaiian chant, the vibration of the word has the same frequency as what is being spoken of at the deepest level of the chant. The ancient languages including Hawaiian, Greek, Latin, Hebrew have this effect. English does not. If you are Catholic, what was the difference between the Mass in Latin and the Mass in English? Do you remember the difference? Even if you do not remember, statistics show that attendance of the Sunday Mass dropped significantly when the Latin was eliminated.
English, on the other hand, is a modern language, and so does not carry the same vibrations at its deeper level of sound as do the ancient languages.
We have 10 to 10 to the 11th possible neurological connections inside our body, according to Dr. Paul Goodwin, Neurophysicist, at Alaska Pacific University. We only use 10-15% of them, he says. But what do you think the rest of the neurology is for? To be developed, we believe. Chanting does that, making new neurological connections which allow the experience of subtler levels of creation and vibration.
That's why the tradition of Huna includes chanting. For example, we include chanting because by hearing the chants, every single pattern of sounds connects a certain set of neurology inside. So, simply hearing the sounds of the chants establishes certain neurological connections that you may have had before but do not currently have. If you have them already, then it strengthens those neurological connections.
Simply put, we chant to expand our neurology and attune it to spirit, and to expand our consciousness.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity
A Pile of Money
Saturday, May 22, 2010Instructions:
Find a quiet place, light a candle or two, and some incense. Sit for a moment and think hard about the exact amount of money you need. See the money. See yourself holding it; counting it. Imagine not that it will come, but that it has come that you now have it. With this in mind, start the chant.
Try to think of the words, of what you say, as you chant them. Get the rhythm so that it is automatic. It is the rhythm that draws out your power and sends it on its way. Sit, stand, or kneel; whichever is most comfortable. You can even dance around in a circle. Anything you feel will help draw on your desire and send it pounding through the air to its goal can, and should be used.
It is preferable that this chant be done on a Wednesday, but don't let that deter you from using it any time you have a need. Suggested incense is a mixture of Pepperwort, Saffron, and Nutmeg, however any incense for success and prosperity will be fine. Spells for increase are best done during the waxing moon.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, magic
A River of Money
Friday, May 21, 2010Find a quiet place, light a candle or two, and some incense. Sit for a moment and think hard about the exact amount of money you need. See the money. See yourself holding it; counting it. Imagine not that it will come, but that it has come that you now have it. With this in mind, start the chant.
Try to think of the words, of what you say, as you chant them. Get the rhythm so that it is automatic. It is the rhythm that draws out your power and sends it on its way. Sit, stand, or kneel; whichever is most comfortable. You can even dance around in a circle. Anything you feel will help draw on your desire and send it pounding through the air to its goal can, and should be used.
It is preferable that this chant be done on a Wednesday, but don't let that deter you from using it any time you have a need. Suggested incense is a mixture of Pepperwort, Saffron, and Nutmeg, however any incense for success and prosperity will be fine. Spells for increase are best done during the waxing moon.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, magic
Money Money Money
Thursday, May 20, 2010Instructions:
Find a quiet place, light a candle or two, and some incense. Sit for a moment and think hard about the exact amount of money you need. See the money. See yourself holding it; counting it. Imagine not that it will come, but that it has come that you now have it. With this in mind, start the chant.
Try to think of the words, of what you say, as you chant them. Get the rhythm so that it is automatic. It is the rhythm that draws out your power and sends it on its way. Sit, stand, or kneel; whichever is most comfortable. You can even dance around in a circle. Anything you feel will help draw on your desire and send it pounding through the air to its goal can, and should be used.
It is preferable that this chant be done on a Wednesday, but don't let that deter you from using it any time you have a need. Suggested incense is a mixture of Pepperwort, Saffron, and Nutmeg, however any incense for success and prosperity will be fine. Spells for increase are best done during the waxing moon.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, magic
When Mantras Don't Work For You
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I really like this guy! And here we have him (Don Bernard) talking about how so many people aren't able to manifest with the use of mantras, because they are still stuck in a lacking mindset.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 4:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Tuesday, May 18, 2010Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, quotes
The Wealth Mantra
The Shreem Mantra has been used for thousands of years to attract wealth. You can chant this for yourself or your loved ones. It is a form of mindset re-conditioning or meditation if you will. Meditation has already been proven in countless scientific experiments to improve health.
Just repeat SHREEM - SHREEM - SHREEM - 108 times daily for 21 days, surely you will see the flow of money. The whole body will be energised - be careful. You can test it. Close your eyes and chant. Once you get practiced you can chant while walking, setting etc.,
This is called a beeja or seed mantra. Very powerful. Do this every day, but especially on Friday. You can chant this mantra whenever you want. Optimum times are the early morning (6-8 AM), afternoon (12-2 PM) and evening (5-7 PM).
Here's a video of a young girl chanting Shreem for prosperity for her Uncle:
And here are two videos documenting personal experiences with the Shreem mantra:
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras, How Do They Work?
A saying from the Vedas claims that "Speech is the essence of humanity." All of what humanity thinks and ultimately becomes is determined by the expression of ideas and actions through speech and its derivative, writing. Everything, the Vedas maintain, comes into being through speech. Ideas remain unactualized until they are created through the power of speech. Similarly, The New Testament, Gospel of John, starts "In the beginning was The Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God..."
In mainstream Vedic practices, most Buddhist techniques and classical Hinduism, mantra is viewed as a necessity for spiritual advancement and high attainment. In The Kalachakra Tantra, by the Dalai Lama and Jeffrey Hopkins, the Dalai Lama states, "Therefore, without depending upon mantra...Buddhahood cannot be attained."
Clearly, there is a reason why such widely divergent sources of religious wisdom as the Vedas, the New Testament and the Dalai Lama speak in common ideas. Here are some important ideas about mantra which will enable you to begin a practical understanding of what mantra is and what it can do.
- Mantras are energy-based sounds
- Mantras create thought-energy waves
- Mantras are tools of power and tools for power
- More About Mantras
- Mantras are energy which can be likened to fire.
- Mantras energize prana.
- Mantras eventually quiet the mind.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, Hinduism, mantra
Mantras Are Energy-Based Sounds
Saying any word produces an actual physical vibration. Over time, if we know what the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of saying that vibration or word. This is one level of energy basis for words.
Another level is intent. If the actual physical vibration is coupled with a mental intention, the vibration then contains an additional mental component which influences the result of saying it. The sound is the carrier wave and the intent is overlaid upon the wave form, just as a colored gel influences the appearance and effect of a white light.
In either instance, the word is based upon energy. Nowhere is this idea more true than for Sanskrit mantra. For although there is a general meaning which comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the mantra.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras Create Thought-Energy Waves
The human consciousness is really a collection of states of consciousness which distributively exist throughout the physical and subtle bodies. Each organ has a primitive consciousness of its own. That primitive consciousness allows it to perform functions specific to it. Then come the various systems. The cardio-vascular system, the reproductive system and other systems have various organs or body parts working at slightly different stages of a single process. Like the organs, there is a primitive consciousness also associated with each system. And these are just within the physical body. Similar functions and states of consciousness exist within the subtle body as well. So individual organ consciousness is overlaid by system consciousness, overlaid again by subtle body counterparts and consciousness, and so ad infinitum.
The ego with its self-defined "I" ness assumes a pre-eminent state among the subtle din of random, semi-conscious thoughts which pulse through our organism. And of course, our organism can "pick up" the vibration of other organisms nearby. The result is that there are myriad vibrations riding in and through the subconscious mind at any given time.
Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness in seed form. Over time, the mantra process begins to override all of the other smaller vibrations, which eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time which varies from individual to individual, the great wave of the mantra stills all other vibrations. Ultimately, the mantra produces a state where the organism vibrates at the rate completely in tune with the energy and spiritual state represented by and contained within the mantra.
At this point, a change of state occurs in the organism. The organism becomes subtly different. Just as a laser is light which is coherent in a new way, the person who becomes one with the state produced by the mantra is also coherent in a way which did not exist prior to the conscious undertaking of repetition of the mantra.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras Are Tools Of Power And Tools For Power
They are formidable. They are ancient. They work. The word "mantra" is derived from two Sanskrit words. The first is "manas" or "mind," which provides the "man" syllable. The second syllable is drawn from the Sanskrit word "trai" meaning to "protect" or to "free from." Therefore, the word mantra in its most literal sense means "to free from the mind." Mantra is, at its core, a tool used by the mind which eventually frees one from the vagaries of the mind.
But the journey from mantra to freedom is a wondrous one. The mind expands, deepens and widens and eventually dips into the essence of cosmic existence. On its journey, the mind comes to understand much about the essence of the vibration of things. And knowledge, as we all know, is power. In the case of mantra, this power is tangible and wieldable.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
More About Mantras
If we warn a young child that it should not touch a hot stove, we try to explain that it will burn the child. However, language is insufficient to convey the experience. Only the act of touching the stove and being burned will adequately define the words "hot" and "burn" in the context of "stove." Essentially, there is no real direct translation of the experience of being burned.
Similarly, there is no word which is the exact equivalent of the experience of sticking one's finger into an electrical socket. When we stick our hand into the socket, only then do we have a context for the word "shock." But shock is really a definition of the result of the action of sticking our hand into the socket.
It is the same with mantras. The only true definition is the experience which it ultimately creates in the sayer. Over thousands of years, many sayers have had common experiences and passed them on to the next generation. Through this tradition, a context of experiential definition has been created.
Definitions of mantras are oriented toward either the results of repeating the mantra or of the intentions of the original framers and testers of the mantra.
In Sanskrit, sounds which have no direct translation but which contain great power which can be "grown" from it are called "seed mantras." Seed in Sanskrit is called "Bijam" in the singular and "Bija" in the plural form. Please refer to the pronunciation guide on page 126 for more information on pronunciation of mantras.
Let's take an example. The mantra "Shrim" or Shreem is the seed sound for the principle of abundance (Lakshmi, in the Hindu Pantheon.) If one says "shrim" a hundred times, a certain increase in the potentiality of the sayer to accumulate abundance is achieved. If one says "shrim" a thousand times or a million, the result is correspondingly greater.
But abundance can take many forms. There is prosperity, to be sure, but there is also peace as abundance, health as wealth, friends as wealth, enough food to eat as wealth, and a host of other kinds and types of abundance which may vary from individual to individual and culture to culture. It is at this point that the intention of the sayer begins to influence the degree of the kind of capacity for accumulating wealth which may accrue.
Mantras have been tested and/or verified by their original framers or users.
Each mantra is associated with an actual sage or historical person who once lived. Although the oral tradition predates written speech by centuries, those earliest oral records annotated on palm leaves discussed earlier clearly designate a specific sage as the "seer" of the mantra. This means that the mantra was probably arrived at through some form of meditation or intuition and subsequently tested by the person who first encountered it.
Sanskrit mantras are composed of letters which correspond to certain petals or spokes of chakras in the subtle body. There is a direct relationship between the mantra sound, either vocalized or subvocalized, and the chakras located throughout the body.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras Are Energy Which Can Be Likened To Fire
You can use fire either to cook your lunch or to burn down the forest. It is the same fire. Similarly, mantra can bring a positive and beneficial result, or it can produce an energy meltdown when misused or practiced without some guidance. There are certain mantra formulas which are so exact, so specific and so powerful that they must be learned and practiced under careful supervision by a qualified teacher.
Fortunately, most of the mantras widely used in the West and certainly those shared here are perfectly safe to use on a daily basis, even with some intensity.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras Energize Prana
"Prana" is a Sanskrit term for a form of life energy which can be transferred from individual to individual. Prana may or may not produce an instant dramatic effect upon transfer. There can be heat or coolness as a result of the transfer.
Some healers operate through transfer of prana. A massage therapist can transfer prana with beneficial effect. Even self-healing can be accomplished by concentrating prana in certain organs, the result of which can be a clearing of the difficulty or condition. For instance, by saying a certain mantra while visualizing an internal organ bathed in light, the specific power of the mantra can become concentrated there with great beneficial effect.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
Mantras Eventually Quiet The Mind
At a deep level, subconscious mind is a collective consciousness of all the forms of primitive consciousnesses which exist throughout the physical and subtle bodies. The dedicated use of mantra can dig into subconscious crystallized thoughts stored in the organs and glands and transform these bodily parts into repositories of peace.
Source: Healing Mantras
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra
The Art of Chanting
Monday, May 17, 2010The art of chanting correctly is, first, to practice it with full awareness of its inner purpose. That purpose is not to awaken sentiments or to stir up the emotions. It is to focus the heart’s feelings and raise them toward superconsciousness.
The Maharani of Cooch Behar told me she’d once asked her family priest why he intoned his chants so loudly. “Well, you see, your Highness,” he explained, “God is far away. If I don’t shout, how will He hear me?” God isn’t far away, of course. It is we who distance ourselves from Him by the “noise” in our own minds, a noise people often carry with them into their prayers and meditations.
Loud chanting does have its place. It is good at the start of meditation-not for the reason that priest gave, but to command attention from our own minds. For loud chanting creates a magnetic flow. Like a mighty river, it can dissolve the eddies of thought and feeling that meander idly along the banks of the mind. Like a magnetic military leader, it commands attention from your thought-soldiers and fires them with zeal.
Once you’ve got their attention, chant more softly, more inwardly. Direct your energy upward, now, from the heart to the Spiritual Eye.
Once your conscious mind is wholly engaged in chanting, bring it down into the subconscious by whispering. While chanting in the subconscious, offer the chant there, too, up to superconsciousness at the point between the eyebrows, until you feel your entire being vibrating with the words, the melody, and the rhythm.
At last, chant only mentally, at the point between the eyebrows. Let your absorption lift you into superconsciousness. Once it does so, and once you receive a divine response, you will have spiritualized the chant. From then on, any time you sing the chant it will quickly carry you again to superconsciousness as if on a magic carpet.
To spiritualize a chant, keep it rotating in the mind — days at a time, if necessary: not only in meditation, but as you go about your daily activities. This practice is also called japa. Christian mystics, too, speak of the continuous “prayer of the heart,” and of “practicing the presence of God.”
Once the mind is focused by chanting, and the inner energy is awakened, take your chanting inward. Don’t only “make a glad noise unto the Lord,” as the Bible puts it: Listen for His answer. Meditation is listening, as I’ve said. Feel yourself chanting in attunement, above all, with the Cosmic Sound. Harmonize yourself inwardly with that sound.
What Words to Use
There is not a strong tradition of chanting in the West. Most of the chanting I’ve heard has been Gregorian chant, which is little heard outside of monasteries, or chants transported from India. Buddhist chanting, like Gregorian chant, is a recitation of scripture and is not, therefore, an appeal of the heart to God…
India has developed a tradition of chanting as an expression of deep, intimate love for God. There is power in such chanting, even if you don’t really relate to the words you’re singing.
Paramhansa Yogananda, as a great yogi whose mission was to disseminate the yoga teachings in the West, introduced a new kind of chanting here. It is based on the repetition of meaningful phrases, rather than of the divine names. Some of the chants he wrote he translated from Bengali or Hindi songs. Others, he wrote himself. This kind of chanting is more like a repetitive prayer set to music, and is better suited for meditators, who understand the importance of combining the soul’s appeal for divine grace with self-effort. For by singing God’s names only, what remains in the mind is the thought “God will do it all for me.” What Yogananda’s method of chanting accomplishes is to awaken in the mind the thought “In these ways I will cooperate with His grace.”
One of his chants goes:
I am the bubble, make me the sea.
So do Thou, my Lord! Thou and I, never apart,
Wave of the sea dissolve in the sea,
I am the bubble, make me the sea.
Very simple, you see? And very easily memorized. When such a chant is sung repeatedly, the mind is easily lifted up into meditation.
Some of Paramhansa Yogananda’s chants go further in the direction of personal affirmation, and are less similar to the traditional concept of prayer. An example of such a chant begins with these words:
Why, O mind, wanderest thou?
Go in thine inner home!
These chants, too, are powerful, spiritualized as they were by a great master. They are in many ways better suited for people who follow the path of meditation. I myself have sung them for as long as I’ve been meditating — fifty years. The inspiration I derive from them is precious to me beyond words.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, meditation
Simple Money Chant
Saturday, May 15, 2010This is a simple money chant but you can replace the word money with whatever you are in need of luck, employment, etc. Say, or better yet, sing this chant a minimum of 5 times in a row.
My soul belongs to the wind,
May money flow freely with thanks we bow,
May large sums of money flow to me now,
My soul belongs to the cosmos,
My soul belongs to the wind,
My soul gives thanks to the money flowing in,
Make no harm come
So shall it be.
~source unknown
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, money
A Hawaiian Prosperity Chant
Friday, May 14, 2010
If this is the first time you have ever chanted a Hawaiian song, you may want to start with the vowels. In Hawaiian, here's how each vowel sounds:
A = ah (as in "ha, ha")
E = eh (as in "check")
I = ee (as in "team")
O = oh (as in "home")
U = oo (as in "who")
Even when vowels are doubled up, such as in the Hawaiian, "oo" it is still, "oh-oh," and not "oo." (We're told the vowels are the same as they are in Spanish.)
So, to start, you may want to chant the vowels, as each beginning chanting student does. Stand up, take a deep breath, and chant "aaaaaaaaaaa" for the entire breath, and then continue with each of the vowels. Repeat. Continue for five minutes.
Notice the feelings inside as you chant. What's happening in there? Pay attention to other parts of your body. How are they affected? Each vowel activates a different part of your neurology, so notice what's going on as you chant.
Now, let's move on to learning the Hawaiian prosperity chant. After you know the vowels, the whole word is easy. This chant is called E Laka E.
First, read the English, so you have an idea of the purpose and meaning of the chant.
0 wildwood bouquet, 0 Laka
0 Laka, queen of the voice
0 Laka, giver of gifts
0 Laka, giver of bounty
0 Laka, giver of all things
I greet you with love.
E Laka e
Pupu we'uwe'u, e Laka e
E Laka i ka leo
E Laka i ka loa'a
E Laka i ka wai wai
E Laka i na mea a pau
Ano ai ke aloha e
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra, video
What is a mantra?
Thursday, May 13, 2010they are literally holograms of information and energy.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra, quotes
Mantra To Improve And Fix The Finances
In this video, Dr. Pillai reveals a mind sound (mantra) to help, improve and fix your finances.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, mantra, overcoming obstacles, video
Money From Nowhere
Wednesday, May 12, 2010Find a quiet place, light a candle or two, and some incense. Sit for a moment and think hard about the exact amount of money you need. See the money. See yourself holding it; counting it. Imagine not that it will come, but that it has come that you now have it. With this in mind, start the chant.
Try to think of the words, of what you say, as you chant them. Get the rhythm so that it is automatic. It is the rhythm that draws out your power and sends it on its way. Sit, stand, or kneel; whichever is most comfortable. You can even dance around in a circle. Anything you feel will help draw on your desire and send it pounding through the air to its goal can, and should be used.
It is preferable that this chant be done on a Wednesday, but don't let that deter you from using it any time you have a need. Suggested incense is a mixture of Pepperwort, Saffron, and Nutmeg, however any incense for success and prosperity will be fine. Spells for increase are best done during the waxing moon.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:38 AM 2 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity, magic, money
Something To Think About
Tuesday, May 11, 2010There is a vast universe of sound beyond the range of our limited capacities to hear. Animals such as dolphins and bats inhabit unimaginably rich sonic environments, filled with their own high-frequency sound emissions used to navigate. The air around us ripples with the unheard sounds of electricity, microwaves, radar, television signals, and radio broadcasts, some ranging as high as one billion Hz.
Another interesting characteristic of sound waves is that they are, theoretically, eternal. The decay rate of sound waves is one of those paradoxical equations that approaches zero, but never arrives. Image that a bell is struck - ringing, resounding, and now fading. If we are very quiet, we can still hear the last tones hanging in the silence. Now it has stopped. Or has it?
If we use a microphone, the bell will be audible after our unassisted ear can no longer hear it. And after that tone fades, we can turn up the input gain and once again, the sound seems to reappear. And after it fades beyond the range of our amplification system, beyond the threshold of our hearing, still the tone continues. Sound waves grow weaker and weaker, but on some level, never entirely disappear.
Consider the thousands of words you speak each day. All the words you have uttered in this lifetime - their echoes are reverberating still. Makes us want to pause before we speak! When we chant, we are consciously sending our positive tones of peace and healing into a world all too often resounding with the echoes of fear, pain, and violence.
Source: Discovering Spirit in Sound
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 4:37 AM 3 comments
Labels: Chanting For Prosperity