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Chanting For A Financial Windfall

Saturday, May 08, 2010

You will need:
  • A quiet place
  • Candles and Incense
Light your candles and incense.

Sit for a moment and think hard about the exact amount of money you need. See the money. See yourself holding it; counting it. Imagine not that it will come, but that it has come that you now have it. With this in mind, you may start the chant.

Try to think of the words, of what you say, as you chant them. Get the rhythm so that it is automatic. It is the rhythm that draws out your power and sends it on its way. Sit, stand, or kneel; whichever is most comfortable. You can even dance around in a circle. Anything you feel will help draw on your desire and send it pounding through the air to its goal can, and should be used.


Whatever your financial need, you can meet it. Remember, though, that you are only to seek what you need.... if you want money just for the sake of having it, it is unlikely to work.

It is preferable that these chants be done on a Wednesday, but don't let that deter you from using these chants any time they are needed. Suggested incense is a mixture of Pepperwort, Saffron, and Nutmeg, however any incense for success and prosperity will be fine. Spells for increase are best done during the waxing moon.


Suddenly I see the pile,
Suddenly I hold the sum,
Suddenly I end my trial,
For the money - it has come!

For the money that I need,
For the need that is so strong,
For those words that I do read
Brings the money right along.

Brings the money without waiting,
Brings the money right to me,
Brings the answer to my waiting,
Suddenly I will be free.

Look hard into the smoke of the incense and, again, see the money in your hands. Again chant:

For the money that I need,
For the need that is so strong,
For those words that I do read
Brings the money right along.

Brings the money without waiting,
Brings the answer right to me,
Brings the answer to my waiting,
Suddenly I will be free.

Close your eyes, place your finger tips on your temples, and again see the money in your possession. After a few moments of this visualization, open your eyes again and chant:

Suddenly I see the pile,
Suddenly I hold the sum,
Suddenly I end my trial,
For the money - it has come!


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