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Chanting For Prosperity - Let's Get Started!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Chanting is as old as language, and human beings have been using the power of chant for healing, protection, devotion, and to bring whatever it is that is wanted and/or needed. For the next 30 days we'll be exploring the power of chant to see if it can indeed bring prosperity, wealth, money, luck, and all those things that we are wanting to create for ourselves and our families.

I'll be uploading a variety of chants in as many different traditions as I can find, from mantra practices to affirmations to magick, so we'll have a wealth of material to draw from. I've also been researching information about chanting, mantras, and the power of the spoken word, and will be posting that as well.

The way I thought this would work the best would be to use whatever chant feels most comfortable to you. Naturally, at first there won't be much to pick from, but as the thirty days progress, hopefully everyone will find something that resonates. Also, if a chant that at first was fun and useful begins to get stale or boring - feel free to switch.

You can either do a structured chanting practice where you spend a specific amount of time each day really getting into your chosen chant, or you can simply use the chant whenever you find yourself worrying about money. You can chant when you're driving in your car, taking a shower, walking the dog, or exercising at the gym. The chants can be done with drumming and dancing - or not. I think the main thing is to have fun with it, don't take yourself too seriously, think of this more as sacred play. I also think it helps to start off singing your chant out loud with enthusiasm.

So, how about it guys? Are you ready to make a 30 day commitment to chanting for prosperity? And if the answer to that is yes, let's get started right away!


sanehat said...

Let's Do Chanting, Let's Do It.

Let's Do Chanting, Let's Do It.

YeahHHH, Let's Do It,

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