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Power It Up

Monday, May 31, 2010


The literal translation of the above power chant is not necessary to its effectiveness, but for the benefit of those who would like to know what it means:


I have seen simple but powerful chants work miracles in the lives of businessmen, housewives, convicts, dope addicts, and priests,. That it works is have shown that the metabolic rate goes down during meditative chanting. University studies show that oxygen consumption during chanting reaches a level which is found in other people only after they had about seven hours sleep. Who doesn't want a "good nights sleep" in 20 or 30 minutes?

What this can mean to you is at once exciting and earth-shaking. Chanting can change your blood composition and increase your alpha brain waves. Consequently, you increase your physical and mental performance because of the new peace you experience within. Meditative chanting clears on the psyche, so to speak, and permits new energies to flow through into your daily life. You can tap the vast reservoir of unused mental capacity by chanting.

Source: Saulat Khan


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