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Magick Power Chants

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The ancient art of using Power Chants comes to us from the mystical lands of India and Tibet. The Secret of the Power in Chants is that they enable you to bypass your doubting mind and allow you to reach the Miracle Powerhouse within: your sub-conscious mind. You possess within this Marvelous Inner Mind a tremendous mental and spiritual Power with which you can literally perform miracles in your own life. This remarkable Inner Power is what the Great Master Teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, called the “Kingdom Within” He taught that you must first find this “Kingdom Within” and then All Other Things would be added onto you.

There are many ways of finding this “Kingdom Within” and one of them is by Repeating an Affirmation Chant over and over until the message of the chant is imprinted upon the Inner mind. Repeating an affirmation, though chanting, will lead the inner mind to the State of Consciousness where it Accepts as True that which you wish it to Believe. When this is accomplished the Powerful Inner Mind will cause to appear as a Reality in your life the things for which you asked in your Chant.

Your desires will appear as a Reality in your life without fail if you do not set up doubts in your Consciousness mind by Not Believing in the power of your Chant. You must be careful not to say aloud or to even think to yourself that your chant has no power or it will not work for you. Repeat your chants — Believing - morning and night, on a regular schedule and then relax in a state of anticipation. Do not worry about How your Good is to come to you. Just rest assured that your Power Inner Mind will answer your request in the Best Possible way for You.

Magick Chant For Money:

“I invoke the Powerful Cosmic Guardians of all Worldly Goods and Abundance. I now identify myself with the Infinite Source Of Supply. I am One with the Abundance of the Universe. My “Inner” voice leads and guides me in my quest for Wealth and Prosperity. I am successful in all my undertakings and I am well Rewarded for all my efforts. I Declare that what is Mine will Claim me, Know me, Rush to me. I always have an Abundance of Money. There is a continuous movement toward me of Money. My Mystical Cone of Prosperity is Full and Runneth Over. I now Magnetize my Inner Mind with the thought that Money and Supply — All that I need — are now Mine”

“So Mote It BE”

Source: MysticMan


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