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30 Seconds To Easy Self Hypnosis

Friday, June 18, 2010

Do You Have The Half Minute To Spare It Requires?

A few will succeed on their first or second attempt, where as some of the others may need to make many more attempts. It took me a week and a half, and about 25 attempts before I could achieve a hypnotic trance.

There are many varied methods in which you can induce a tranquil, relaxed state of consciousness, in which the human body is still, and the awakened mind is simply set aside for a while as the subconscious mind takes over in a more dominant role, and permits the therapeutic cognitive processes which are contained in all of us to become active.

This state of consciousness, known as the hypnotic state is very easily brought about by;

  • Focusing one’s attention.
  • Relaxing the body.
  • Allowing unnecessary thoughts to enter, then exit, without any rationalisation.

These processes can be easily accomplished by the technique that follows next. It is commonly known as the “Eye Roll Technique’, and is a very aged but effective method of entering a comfortable therapeutic hypnotic trance. When you are in this relaxed state of mind, it is quite possible to offer yourself any positive suggestions or ideas in order to bring about the desired changes. Examples of positive statements and affirmations are given later in this article.


If it is possible, you should find yourself a nice quiet place and either lie down, or sit down, comfortably.

Roll up your eyes, just as if you were trying to look at your forehead.

Allow your eyelids to gradually close, and as you do so, take in a very deep breath and hold it.

As you slowly exhale, permit your upturned eyes to return to their natural position.

As you finish this exhaling, enjoy that gentle, floating feeling that you will experience.

Simultaneously, imagine your right hand to be very light, something perhaps like a child's helium balloon tied to it making it rise slowly. You may be pleasantly surprised at the ease by which your arm and hand seem to float up all by themselves. This floating arm/hand signal is a signal from your sub-conscious brain that you are entering a state of deep presence of mind.

As you stay in this deeply relaxed, hypnotic state of presence, tell yourself any positive, therapeutic suggestions in which you feel will help to bring to you the changes you really need or want.

Remain in this presence of mind for 10-20 minutes, that’s really all that you need.

You can repeat the process as many times a week as you want.


Roll up your eyes behind your closed eyelids.

Very gradually, allow your eyelids to open, and the eyes to focus.

Make a tight handed fist with your right hand, and as you do this, allow this light floating hand to come down into a relaxed position. As it comes to rest, release the tight handed fist and gently stretch those fingers.……FINISHED !!!!

If it becomes necessary, the exit from the relaxed state can be done at any time by going through the steps listed above.

It may take you a little bit of time to perfect this method, particularly if you are the ‘on the go all the time’ type of individual. Relaxation comes much easier to some people than to others, so always keep this in mind.

Remember, if you want to effect positive change in your life, this short use of your time can pay great rewards in the end. The beauty of it is that once you have practiced and mastered the method, you will be able to enter the trance state much more deeply and easily.

Another fact to remember is that every person is fully capable of entering into a hypnotic trance. But just as we are all unique, so is the level of ease with which we enter into a hypnotic state.

A few will succeed on their first or second attempt, where as some of the others may need to make many more attempts. It took me a week and a half, and about 25 attempts before I could achieve a hypnotic trance. The motto is—PERSERVERE. It may take time, but the benefits are well worth the effort.



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