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Ask Your Money Angel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Need some cash? Learn how to access the universal bank account and command the money that is already yours. Follow the visualization while watching beautiful Colorado nature scenes or just close your eyes and create your own visual in your mind. Created by Internationally-recognized Hypnotherapy Expert, Debra Berndt.


sanehat said...

Okay so for the most part really liked this but when you were to ask the spirit for an amount of money I felt so anxious because I did not know how much money I needed. Seriously I felt flushed and really upset because I did not have a specific amount to ask for . Weird.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

So, Daniel, did you do it again? or did you come up with an amount? what happened?

I asked for $500, not sure why exactly, but it's the number that came into my mind to ask for. I'm curious to see how long it will take to get here, and if it will come all at once or a little at a time.

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