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Law of Attraction - Binaural Beats Meditation

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

These programs have been developed using medically approved hypnosis systems for brain stimulation. This is an authentic harmonic blend of audio stimulation using self hypnosis, binaural beats, bilateral solfeggio tones, all interwoven into an ambient rhythmic soundtrack assisted with Paranyama breathing and relaxation coaching.

WARNING contains entrainment products.


Karla said...

Maybe I should have done this one with my eyes closed because the minute they flashed their company name in the middle, I thought "What is this? Hypnosis to brainwash me into buying their stuff?" Then I let it go and continued to watch, AND THEY DID IT AGAIN. The advertising during the session was somewhat tasteless. I felt like my well-being was secondary to their self-promotion. And it was repetitive, which it's probably supposed to be, but just not my favorite so far.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Yes, it's annoying, but it didn't bother me. I just tuned it out like I do all the other advertising I see on the internet.

And I do agree, it's not my favorite either.

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