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Our ten things

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I pulled our answers together and came up with 10 categories that I think will cover everything we are wanting to envision together through the mastermind process. Here is what I came up with:

  1. money
  2. car/transportation
  3. freedom (to do whatever)
  4. travel
  5. relationship (romantic, family, business etc)
  6. home
  7. health
  8. happiness
  9. spirituality
  10. employment, business, career etc.

As we go through each category, we will have a chance to be as specific as we would like to be. Did I leave anything out? If this sounds good to everyone, we'll be starting bright and early tomorrow morning. I figured we could start with money... since this is basic to the project.

Later on this evening, when I am back at home - having finished with my appointments and etc for the day, I'll post a mastermind format - and try to get everything organized.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Looks like I'm going to be doing our format tomorrow. My browser forgot how to read java script and I'm too tired and muddle-brained tonight to figure it out. Probably just need to restart the computer... probably just have too many cookies... (both real and imagined)... So, I'm going to drink a beer, watch a movie, and spend some quality time with myself and my dog... and tomorrow we'll get our format up and get started.
Good night... and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi! it's been awhile but i am all caught up on what is going on and i can't wait to get started.

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