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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is a short clip of a longer DVD that is for sale. I enjoyed it as is even though it stops rather suddenly.



Karla said...

I see what you mean. POOF. It's over. Other than that It was fun to imagine rolling around in all that cash. :) I finally figured out how to get the clips up as full screen which makes it much easier to focus. Yay!

I received a random $10 check in the mail..I hope that's a start!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hi Karla - yeah - full screen is better even though I end up closing my eyes anyway.

And wow! $10! I think that's a great start! I made more money yesterday than I thought I would - plus it was fun - and I came home energized instead of exhausted...

That's because I'm helping someone do a website (always fun) and I also did some psychic surgery (which I love to do)... so much better than on my knees cleaning up dog shit!!

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