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Feel Good on Purpose

Friday, June 18, 2010

This refreshing, revitalizing hypnotic mini-vacation will give you a good, healthy boost of energy and power -- better than a double espresso.



Karla said...

At first I thought she was speaking rather quickly in this one, but I think it started to "sink in" about halfway through. I could feel the breeze at the beach anyway. I liked the images of the hearts that seem to expand outward because I would like my energy to be that way during my day. I think I prefer the ones where I can close my eyes so far. It will be interesting to see if I sleep well tonight!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I liked the images too... and I also have to close my eyes. I did like this one. We'll have to report back and let everyone know how well we slept!!

My favorites are still the MP3's for Success and Positive Thinking. I find myself missing them towards the end of the day - like the positive vibe is beginning to wear off or something.

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