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A Nice Surprise!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back in 2006, I shared a prayer for Unexpected Income. Today, I am happy to report that I actually did have an unexpected income! I was going through my mail, and there was a letter that looked like it was probably from a creditor. I opened it, fully expecting to read something calculated to scare me into sending money I don't have, and what came fluttering out was a $1 bill. My first thought was, "That can't be real." But it was. So, how's that for cool?

But wait, that's not all. Remember how I said that my "wish list" this time around included some DVD's? Actually, what I've been wanting to have all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And I've been totally sure that there was no way I could afford to get them. So, yesterday, my local video store called out of the blue, and offered to sell me their entire set for $10 per season. Now, that's cheap! And they're willing to hold them for me while I scrounge for the money! And what's really fun about this is that I never said one word about wanting them. It's like the Universe, my Angels, or I dunno... the Gods of Entertainment - have decided that it's important for me to have Buffy at my fingertips. So, I'm fully expecting $10 bills to fall out of the sky, show up in my purse, or fall out of envelopes. If I can get one,, surely I can get ten!

And I'm also thinking that if I can manifest stuff without even asking for it, without it even having a desperate pressing need, why do I worry about anything? And maybe, it could be, that when I was begging last month for my life to be better, and more enjoyable, the Powers That Be decided that a surprise dollar and Buffy for cheap would be just exactly right for me on a day like today.

And maybe it would be fun and interesting to ask for more fun surprises to pop up unexpectedly. I think I'm going to add that to my daily "please" and "thank-you." What about you guys? Anyone have stories to tell? Experiences to share? Insights? Ideas? Oh, and by the way - there is some wonderful conversation in the comments of that post on "The Unexpected." Definitely worth reading - and I'd love to hear what our thoughts would be now! Have we changed our minds? Do we have deeper understandings? A better perspective?


Cindy H said...

It's wonderful to hear that some of the things you have been wanting are manifesting for you!! I have had a few unexpected bits of prosperity recently: I found a $5 bill in my wallet, stuck down in the seams, and I belong to several online survey places and realized that I had enough points on 3 sites to get things - two magazine subscriptions that I have been wanting, plus another check for $50! Way cool!!

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